ardanlabs / gotour

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Please create a template/standar for PR reviewing.

pjcalvo opened this issue · comments

I think we should agree on a form of PRs for translations. If you look at the current PR list it is very hard to see wherever it is a translation PR and for what language, and I have to see one by one to check if I can either review or contribute..

I am thinking of:

[Translation] [<Language>] : <What are you translating?>


[Translation] [Spanish]: Binary search article.


I would be happy to also use the language code instead of the full language name:

  • en-US
  • es-LA
  • pt-BR

and so

That is a good point. I'll send an email to everyone to review this issue


Great idea!

I agree about this.

May be the language should match the case used on the language branch name.

[Translation] [spanish] : <What are you translating?>
[Translation] [portuguese-brazil] : <What are you translating?>

sounds good to me as well to use language codes.

Agreed. We can use language code. but we'll need to mention it somewhere (as in the PR Guidelines doc) or there may be some link for reference. I found this:

agreed, the google article language codes seems pretty fine and standard enough