ardalis / Specification

Base class with tests for adding specifications to a DDD model

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Many-to-Many w/ INNER JOIN

r2baka opened this issue · comments

In the examples here

Describing a many-to-many between Blog Posts and Tags. Say I want to find all Blog Posts tagged with a particular tag, intuitively I would do this...

Query.Include(tags => tags.Where(tt => tt.TagText == searchTag));

Now, the SQL produced will be something like this:
Select Posts., Tags.
from Posts LEFT JOIN PostsTags on Posts.Id = PostsTags.PostsId...

This will give me a list of ALL Posts, and the tags will be empty.

I want to tell it to send the SQL with an INNER JOIN, rather than a LEFT join. How do I do that?

In this example, Is there a way to say, bring back only the list of Posts tagged with a particular tag?

I think I may have answered my own question already. I do this:

            Query.Where(p => p.Tags.Select(f => f.TagText).Contains(searchTag));

You folks are incredible that you made that work. Thank you for this wonderful library.