ardalis / ApiEndpoints

A project for supporting API Endpoints in ASP.NET Core web applications.

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ModelState is always Valid

babaktaremi opened this issue · comments

Hi I'm using the latest version on NET6 and using RequiredAttribute on request models. But the ModelState is always valid. What seems to be the problem?

  1. Which version is latest? v3 or v4-prerelease?
  2. Can you show your endpoint and its associated request model?
  1. Which version is latest? v3 or v4-prerelease?
  2. Can you show your endpoint and its associated request model?

I Created a NET 6 Template and added to following code to the Program.cs class to suppress the default behaviour of modelstate validation in asp. net core

builder.Services.AddControllers().ConfigureApiBehaviorOptions(c => c.SuppressModelStateInvalidFilter = true);

then I Created a simple model for login

public class LoginRequest
        public string UserName { get; set; }

        public string Password { get; set; }

and the related endpoint like this

    public class Login:BaseAsyncEndpoint.WithRequest<LoginRequest>.WithoutResponse
        public override async Task<ActionResult> HandleAsync(LoginRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken = new CancellationToken())
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return BadRequest("Not Valid");

            return Ok("Valid");

The Value of ModelState.IsValid is always true. regardless of the state of the LoginRequest properties.
the version I'm currently using is 3.1.0

Why are you suppressing model state invalid? Given that you're doing that, isn't this behaving as expected?

Let me know if this is still an issue - closing for now.