meliorence / react-native-snap-carousel

Swiper/carousel component for React Native featuring previews, multiple layouts, parallax images, performant handling of huge numbers of items, and more. Compatible with Android & iOS.

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Make sure that `onSnapToItem` is triggered AFTER scroll animation's completion

bd-arc opened this issue · comments

Currently, React Native doesn't provide a callback for the scrollTo() method, which is a bummer.

The ScrollView component has a prop onScrollAnimationEnd, but unfortunately this works on iOS only (even though it is referenced in the Java file). Moreover, a bug currently prevents the callback from being fired with horizontal scrollers.

Another lead would be to link the duration of the scroll animation to a timer before firing the callback. Unfortunately, scrollTo() doesn't accept a custom duration.

An idea might be to activate momentum events on Android and see if onMomentumScrollEnd can provide a good enough feedback without impairing performance too much. But this event might not be fired when snapping programatically... Moreover, it is automatically enabled if a momentum callback has been set.

ScrollResponder is another lead worth pursuing...

marginally related to this, inside onSnapToItem callback the value of this.carousel.currentIndex is still the previous index not the one we're snapping too.

I noticed this because I'm using

          ref={(carousel) => { this.carousel = carousel; }}
          onSnapToItem={(index) => {
            console.log('snap', index, this.carousel.currentIndex);
          onPress={(page) => this.carousel.snapToItem(page)}
          selected={this.carousel ? this.carousel.currentIndex : 0}

CarouselControls is my custom component that uses this.carousel.currentIndex so I'm using forceUpdate instead of duplicating the state in my component, but the currentIndex is not uptodate

@piuccio Thanks for your feedback! This is pretty strange; I'll take a look at it as soon as possible.

Some answer about this problem ?

Hi @joseygordev, are you referring to @piuccio's issue or to the original one?

Regarding the former, I should be able to take a look at it in the next few days; regarding the latter, we are still awaiting an evolution of React Native's source code. The issue is still pending 6 months later, without any feedback from RN's team...

Hi guys,

I finally had time to dig into this issue. I can confirm that, sadly, it is deeply related to React Native's implementation.

For all the reasons explained in my first post, we can't rely on anything but the onScrollEndDrag callback when enableMomentum is disabled. Unfortunately, this means that activeItem computation will be wrong if you haven't scrolled enough so that the next slide became active. Here is a short screencast of what I mean:

Since FlatList doesn't resolve any of the issues, we're kind of stuck right now :-(

I just had an idea worth trying, which is to rely on slide animation's completion and to combine it with a time threshold to "determine" if scroll has ended.

This is clearly far from ideal, but it might still lead to better results than onScrollEndDrag. I'll keep you posted!

@piuccio @joseygordev Version 2.2.1 should resolve your issue with the faulty index.

I've completely refactored the way callbacks are handled when momentum is disabled. Let's face it: this is hacky since ScrollView neither provides callbacks to the scrollTo method nor gives access to a onScrollEnd event.

Make sure to play with the new props scrollEndDragThrottleValue and snapCallbackDebounceValue. Let me know how this works for you.

@bd-arc thank you very much for you attention, component very nice.

@joseygordev Note that version 2.3.0 handles no-momentum callbacks way better ;-)