archlinuxcn / lilac

Lilac is the build bot for archlinuxcn

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

AUR Co-maintainers are not properly parsed

swordfeng opened this issue · comments

Got the error message email:


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/lilydjwg/soft/lilac/lilac2/", line 213, in main
  File "/home/lilydjwg/soft/lilac/lilac2/", line 95, in lilac_build
  File "<string>", line 2, in pre_build
  File "/home/lilydjwg/soft/lilac/lilac2/", line 522, in aur_pre_build
    raise Exception('unexpected AUR package maintainer / packager', who)
Exception: ('unexpected AUR package maintainer / packager', 'swordfeng\n                \n                \n                \n                    (lilac)')


[D 08-10 06:31:47.647 worker:209] got input: {'depend_packages': [], 'update_info': [['v10.8.0', 'v10.9.0-beta.0']], 'bindmounts': ['/home/lilydjwg/.cargo:/build/.cargo', '/home/lilydjwg/.cache/pip:/build/.cache/pip', '/home/lilydjwg/.cache/archbuild-bind-cache/stack:/build/.stack', '/home/lilydjwg/.cache/archbuild-bind-cache:/build/.cache'], 'logfile': '/home/lilydjwg/.lilac/log/2022-08-10T04:17:01/poi.log', 'worker_no': 0, 'result': '/tmp/poi-fvgspcg1.lilac'}
[D 08-10 06:31:47.653 cmd:88] running ['sh', '-c', 'rm -f -- *.pkg.tar.xz *.pkg.tar.xz.sig *.pkg.tar.zst *.pkg.tar.zst.sig'], not using pty, showing output
[D 08-10 06:31:47.661 worker:94] oldver='v10.8.0', newver='v10.9.0-beta.0'
[D 08-10 06:31:47.665 connectionpool:1001] Starting new HTTPS connection (1): [](
[D 08-10 06:31:48.024 connectionpool:456] []( "GET /pkgbase/poi HTTP/1.1" 303 None
[D 08-10 06:31:48.342 connectionpool:456] []( "GET /packages/poi HTTP/1.1" 200 None
[E 08-10 06:31:48.353 worker:250] build failed
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/home/lilydjwg/soft/lilac/lilac2/", line 213, in main
      File "/home/lilydjwg/soft/lilac/lilac2/", line 95, in lilac_build
      File "<string>", line 2, in pre_build
      File "/home/lilydjwg/soft/lilac/lilac2/", line 522, in aur_pre_build
        raise Exception('unexpected AUR package maintainer / packager', who)
    Exception: ('unexpected AUR package maintainer / packager', 'swordfeng\n                \n                \n                \n                    (lilac)')
[D 08-10 06:31:48.355 connectionpool:1001] Starting new HTTPS connection (1): [](
[D 08-10 06:31:48.566 connectionpool:456] []( "GET /users/swordfeng HTTP/1.1" 200 None

The maintainer is shown as 'swordfeng\n \n \n \n (lilac)'.
AUR repo: