archlinux-downgrade / downgrade

Downgrade packages in Arch Linux

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Not showing packages with versions starting with lowercased r

lilydjwg opened this issue · comments

It fails to show package files from my cache for a particular package and I find this:

I have no packages starting with an uppercased R but several of my -git packages start with a lowercased r (there are a few r* in [community] too). Also lshw starts with B, 0ad starts with a, bettercap-caplets starts with v, coxeter starts with git. This pattern seems too restrictive.

Thanks for reporting this; I agree it's too restrictive if you've found such examples. Unfortunately, I think we do need to have something restrictive here. The original intent was to solve the bug where searching for (e.g.) foo would return, not just foo-$version, but also packages such as foo-bar-$version.

It's an annoying problem to find a pattern that works for your examples but doesn't introduce such false positives. We could try to extend that pattern, or maybe there's a way to re-structure the program more substantially and solve the problem another way -- I'm not sure.

Either way, I won't have time to look into this for a bit, so I'm going to add a help-wanted label.