archlinux-downgrade / downgrade

Downgrade packages in Arch Linux

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Changing default branch

pbrisbin opened this issue · comments

@atreyasha I'd like to rename the default branch to main. I've been doing it across all my projects and it goes very smoothly, thanks to GitHub's recent support for renames.

I will wait until any open PRs are merged, but I wonder if there are any other possible disruptions / necessary changes you could think of. Does the PKGBUILD reference master at all?

@atreyasha I'd like to rename the default branch to main. I've been doing it across all my projects and it goes very smoothly, thanks to GitHub's recent support for renames.

That sounds like a good idea 👍

I will wait until any open PRs are merged, but I wonder if there are any other possible disruptions / necessary changes you could think of. Does the PKGBUILD reference master at all?

Not that I am aware of but it could be good to test it beforehand. When I get some free time tomorrow, I'll try forking and doing a local install with a custom PKGBUILD. Will let you know how it goes.

Does the PKGBUILD reference master at all?

No reference to master or any default branch

# shellcheck disable=SC2034
# shellcheck disable=SC2154
# Author: Patrick Brisbin <>
pkgdesc="Bash script for downgrading one or more packages to a version in your cache or the A.L.A."
depends=('pacman-contrib') # pacsort
optdepends=('sudo: for installation via sudo')

package() {
  cd "$pkgname-$pkgver" || exit 1

  make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" PREFIX=/usr install

Tried out a local test by forking, changing default branch to main and installing a new release with a custom PKGBUILD.

Everything works fine, so we should be good to go 👍

The relevant line in the PKGBUILD is the one defining the source variable. Since the branch is not defined in the URL, I believe GitHub would route you to the default branch which is exactly as intended.

Wow, thanks for the thorough testing! I see no open PRs right now so I'm going to make the change. If you visit the repository page for this project after I've done it, you'll see a little notification with commands to run locally.

git branch -m master main
git fetch origin
git branch -u origin/main main
git remote set-head origin -a