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Stack overflows kills Unity

saikyun opened this issue · comments

Steps to reproduce:

user=> (defn yeah [a] (+ a (yeah a)))
user=> (yeah 1)
System.StackOverflowException: The requested operation caused a stack overflow.
* user/yeah
In file: user=> 1

This isn't reproducible on my REPL (socket, macOS). Ramsey is seeing it on Linux however, with both nREPL and the socket REPL. What OS are you on @saikyun ?

Actually even on mine evaluating (try (yeah 1) (catch Exception e "caught")) a couple of times crashes Unity on the fourth try

This seems to be a weird quirk of the CLR itself. Looks like StackOverflowExceptions are uncatchable and will kill the process, and this behavior is built into the VM itself.

As hard as a StackOverflow post on Stack Overflows is to top, here is the canonical documentation: