aratcliffe / Leaflet.contextmenu

A context menu for Leaflet.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Leaflet 1.1.0 incompatible

gonzaloplaza opened this issue · comments

Some deprecations and errors found since recent upgrade to Leaflet 1.1.0, when you click on menu item.

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'off' of undefined

                        .off(el, 'mouseover', this._onItemMouseOver, this)
                        .off(el, 'mouseover', this._onItemMouseOut, this)
                        .off(el, 'mousedown', L.DomEvent.stopPropagation)
                        .off(el, 'click', callback);

Are you planning to upgrade the contextmenu plugin to be compatible?.


Hi, this is due to a bug in Leaflet 1.1.0 that has since been fixed: Leaflet/Leaflet#5601

In the meantime you could downgrade or use Leaflet trunk.