arashpayan / appirater

A utility that reminds your iPhone app's users to review the app.

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App Name Always Display Null

afiq90 opened this issue · comments


I'm wondering why I always get the App name NULL even my code is correct in AppDelegate.m. Below is my error image and my code in AppDelegate.m.

appirater error

[Appirater setAppId:@"552035781"];
[Appirater setDaysUntilPrompt:2];
[Appirater setUsesUntilPrompt:3];
[Appirater setSignificantEventsUntilPrompt:-1];
[Appirater setTimeBeforeReminding:2];
[Appirater setDebug:YES];
[Appirater appLaunched:YES];

check your project plist tag "CFBundleDisplayName"


more explanation please. :) 👍

screen shot 2015-01-07 at 10 00 38 am
Add Bundle display Name in your plist file