aragon / sdk

Aragon JS SDK

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Bug: `@aragon/sdk-client` dose not export `Erc721TokenDetails`

pythonpete32 opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
@aragon/sdk-client exports the Erc20TokenDetails type but not Erc721TokenDetails

To Reproduce (please complete the following information)
import { Erc20TokenDetails, Erc721TokenDetails } from "@aragon/sdk-client";

Expected behavior
to be able to import all the types without redefining them localy

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

adding here as it dosnt make sense to have it as a separate issue

there are a few types missing from the "@aragon/sdk-client"

you have to
import { DepositErc20Params } from "@aragon/sdk-client/dist/interfaces";
as opposed to
import { DepositErc20Params } from "@aragon/sdk-client

  • DepositErc20Params
  • TokenType
  • AssetBalanceSortBy
  • DaoBalancesQueryParams