aquasecurity / vuln-list

NVD, Ubuntu, Alpine

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Got some error

LeosDing opened this issue · comments

gost fetch redhat

INFO[05-13|12:12:10] Initialize Database
2020-05-13T12:12:10.279+0800 DEBUG db path: db/trivy.db
2020-05-13T12:12:10.285+0800 DEBUG remove an existed directory
[==================> ] It will take a while for the first time... 2020-05-13T12:12:12.550+0800 DEBUG error: while accessing

fatal: HTTP request failed

error in vulnerability DB initialize: error in vulnsrc clone or pull: failed to clone repository: error in git clone: failed to exec: exit status 128