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Vulnerability Report Image Scan fails due to read only root filesystem

KyleMartin901 opened this issue · comments


What steps did you take and what happened:

We installed Starboard using Helm chart 0.9.1 with the following values

targetNamespaces: ""
  scanJobsConcurrentLimit: 30
  vulnerabilityScannerScanOnlyCurrentRevisions: true
  vulnerabilityScannerReportTTL: 24h
    - operator: Exists
  annotations: arn:aws:iam::XXX:role/XXX
  severity: HIGH,CRITICAL
  githubToken: XXX
      cpu: 500m
      memory: 512M
      cpu: 2000m
      memory: 4G
    cpu: 500m
    memory: 512M
    cpu: 2000m
    memory: 2G

We have a private ML image that is deployed in our Kubernetes cluster and the Vulnerability scan (Trivy) fails with the following error failed to open: failed to create the temp file: open /tmp/fanal-291399187: read-only file system

  "level": "error",
  "ts": 1643685779.1531503,
  "logger": "reconciler.vulnerabilityreport",
  "msg": "Scan job container",
  "job": "starboard-operator/scan-vulnerabilityreport-5b65b58f76",
  "container": "ml-prediction-service",
  "status.reason": "Error",
  "status.message": "2022-02-01T03:22:58.840Z FATAL scan error: image scan failed: failed analysis: analyze error: failed to analyze layer: sha256:711287f45789dcf7beddd6550018938fcc3a70f33736d99163f8ec057db41c54 : walk error: failed to process the file: failed to analyze file: failed to analyze usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/ unable to open usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/ failed to open: failed to create the temp file: open /tmp/fanal-291399187: read-only file system",
  "stacktrace": "*VulnerabilityReportReconciler).reconcileJobs.func1

I can see that Trivy v0.22.0 uses the fanal package and that is where the error is coming from. The name of the created temp file starting with fanal makes that easier to trackdown which is handy.

When I looked at Fanal I found that it will try to untar the file and before it does that it will check if the file size if it is bigger than 26MB const ThresholdSize = int64(200) << 20 and if it is it will write it to a temp file within the /tmp directory. It is at this point that the scan errors out due to the scan-vulnerabilityreport container defaulting to a ReadOnlyRootFilesystem

[Miscellaneous information that will assist in solving the issue.]

To see the issue you can also run Trivy using docker to scan the Tensorflow image in read only mode

docker run --rm --read-only -v $HOME/Library/Caches:/root/.cache/ aquasec/trivy:0.22.0 tensorflow/tensorflow:2.7.0
2022-02-01T10:53:51.746Z        WARN    The root command will be removed. Please migrate to 'trivy image' command. See
2022-02-01T10:54:51.717Z        FATAL   scan error: image scan failed: failed analysis: analyze error: failed to analyze layer: sha256:4a1c45155a198a0cac890fc6adcb7ca37973e374444f65e83729e79b0496f65b : walk error: failed to process the file: failed to analyze file: failed to analyze usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/ unable to open usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/ failed to open: failed to create the temp file: open /tmp/fanal-2995727774: read-only file system


  • Starboard version (use starboard version): 14.1
  • Kubernetes version (use kubectl version): 1.20
  • Kubernetes Distribution: EKS

Thank you for pointing this issue out @KyleMartin901 So in this case what we may do is mount emptyDir volume on the /tmp path in the scan pod to make it writable.


Thanks @danielpacak sounds good to me. I wasn't sure if you wanted it to be a config option or not but adding a emptyDir for /tmp sounds perfect for my needs