aquasecurity / libbpfgo

eBPF library for Go. Powered by libbpf.

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v0.4.7-libbpf-1.2.0-b2e29a1 tag is released, but libblf v1.2.0 does not exist

bobrik opened this issue · comments



The title of the release says libbpf-1.1.0, but it's libbpf-1.2.0 in the tag. The commit hash also doesn't match.

I received a dependabot PR for this as well:

@bobrik Thanks for reporting this typo.

Fixed to v0.4.7-libbpf-1.1.0-41-gb2e29a1.

Should the 1.2.0 tag be removed? I think it shows up as the latest for Go and dependabot.


Full changelog link here still links to 1.2.0 too:

Done @bobrik. Thank you! @geyslan make sure to delete your local tags (for the next pushes). Cheers!

The latest release tag also looks very different from the previous ones, not sure if that's intentional:


The latest release tag also looks very different from the previous ones, not sure if that's intentional:

yes, it is. we have bumped libbpf to a specific commit (before a release was made) due to that fix. best world would be to bump libbpf to v1.2.0 but that has not been released yet and we needed the fix.

thanks again!