appunite / conductor

Simple elixir package for authorization

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Render custom view

bartoszgorka opened this issue · comments

I really like this package as Authorization module with check user scopes (in my project from JWT token).
But I have few ideas to new features in Conductor.

1. Add custom HTTP status

config :conductor, error_status: 401

2. Custom view render as body

Now body returned in an unauthorized request is empty. Is it possible to add an option in config with render function? I think about simple

def render(conn, "my_unauthorized.json") do ... end

3. Default config, dynamic config in single Endpoint

The description above is ideal for additional behavior of Conductor. You can also add new field in @authorize param in endpoint with view: MyApp.Error.render(....) or status: 401 -> in this single endpoint we could set different settings.

global customization added in #3

Work perfect! Thank you.