apptentive / apptentive-react-native

Apptentive SDK module for React Native

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'Apptentive.h' file not found apptentive-react-native

stephenmclaughlin opened this issue · comments

When using apptentive-react-native for react native looks like RNApptentiveModule.m is looking for Apptentive.h but that file does not exist. Looks like the file is actually named ApptentiveMain.h. I changed the import in RNApptentiveModule.m to reflect this is. After doing so it builds.

#import "RNApptentiveModule.h"
#import "Apptentive.h"

static NSString *const kRejectCode = @"ApptentiveModule";
extern ApptentiveLogLevel ApptentiveLogLevelFromString(NSString *level);

@interface RNApptentiveModule ()

changed to

#import "RNApptentiveModule.h"
#import "ApptentiveMain.h"

static NSString *const kRejectCode = @"ApptentiveModule";
extern ApptentiveLogLevel ApptentiveLogLevelFromString(NSString *level);

@interface RNApptentiveModule ()

Hi @stephenmclaughlin, thanks for the report. We're looking into this.

A few questions:

  • What version of the React Native SDK are you seeing this on?
  • Is this the first time your app has used the Apptentive SDK, or are you migrating from an older version? If so, what older version?

It sounds like the change you made may have worked. Is it up and running now?

Thanks again.

"react-native": "npm:react-native-tvos@0.62.2-0"
"apptentive-react-native": "5.6.0"
apptentive-ios (~> 5)
#define kApptentiveVersionString @"5.3.1"

This is the first time our app has used apptentive sdk. We just integrated with apptentive a few weeks ago. The change is working. Just wanted to report the issue.


Thank you! I'll review with my team and look into a fix.

Fixed in 5.6.1