apprenticeharper / DeDRM_tools

DeDRM tools for ebooks

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DRM not working

victor-50 opened this issue · comments

November 12 DRM still worked ok. Three books epub books I added yesterday seemed to be decrypted, but couldn't be read.

calibre, version 7.1.0
FOUT: Boek laden mislukt: Donna Leon\A Sea of Troubles (272)\A Sea of Troubles - Donna Leon.epub mislukt. Klik op "Toon details" voor meer info.

Failed to convert book: Donna Leon\A Sea of Troubles (272)\A Sea of Troubles - Donna Leon.epub with error:
DeDRM v7.2.1: Trying to decrypt A Sea of Troubles - Donna Leon.epub
DeDRM v7.2.1: Verifying zip archive integrity
DeDRM v7.2.1: A Sea of Troubles - Donna Leon.epub is a secure Adobe Adept ePub
DeDRM v7.2.1: Trying Encryption key default_key
Could not decrypt 7sf9cq__.epub because of an exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "calibre_plugins.dedrm.ineptepub", line 425, in decryptBook
File "calibre_plugins.dedrm.ineptepub", line 343, in init
File "calibre_plugins.dedrm.ineptepub", line 298, in init
File "Crypto\Cipher\", line 228, in new
File "Crypto\", line 79, in _create_cipher
File "Crypto\", line 274, in _create_cbc_cipher
File "Crypto\Cipher\", line 90, in _create_base_cipher
ValueError: Incorrect AES key length (0 bytes)

DeDRM v7.2.1: Failed to decrypt with key default_key after 0.2 seconds
DeDRM v7.2.1: Looking for new default Adobe Digital Editions Keys after 0.2 seconds
Found 1 keys
DeDRM v7.2.1: Trying a new default key
DeDRM v7.2.1: Exception when decrypting after 0.2 seconds
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "calibre_plugins.dedrm.init", line 384, in ePubDecrypt
File "calibre_plugins.dedrm.ineptepub", line 399, in decryptBook
File "calibre_plugins.dedrm.ineptepub", line 306, in init
File "calibre_plugins.dedrm.ineptepub", line 306, in
File "calibre_plugins.dedrm.ineptepub", line 283, in getChild
File "calibre_plugins.dedrm.ineptepub", line 220, in get
calibre_plugins.dedrm.ineptepub._load_crypto_pycrypto..ASN1Error: Error decoding ASN.1
DeDRM v7.2.1: Failed to decrypt with new default key after 0.2 seconds
DeDRM v7.2.1: Ultimately failed to decrypt after 0.2 seconds. Read the FAQs at Harper's repository:
Running file type plugin DeDRM failed with traceback:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "calibre\customize\", line 187, in _run_filetype_plugins
File "calibre_plugins.dedrm.init", line 644, in run
File "calibre_plugins.dedrm.init", line 415, in ePubDecrypt
calibre_plugins.dedrm.DeDRMError: DeDRM v7.2.1: Ultimately failed to decrypt after 0.2 seconds. Read the FAQs at Harper's repository:
InputFormatPlugin: EPUB Input running
on Donna Leon\A Sea of Troubles (272)\A Sea of Troubles - Donna Leon.epub
Failed to run pipe worker with command: from calibre.srv.render_book import viewer_main; viewer_main()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 198, in _run_module_as_main
File "", line 88, in _run_code
File "", line 83, in
File "", line 78, in main
File "", line 50, in run_entry_point
File "calibre\utils\ipc\", line 196, in main
File "", line 1, in
File "calibre\srv\", line 952, in viewer_main
File "calibre\srv\", line 943, in render_for_viewer
File "calibre\srv\", line 920, in render
File "calibre\ebooks\oeb\iterator\", line 62, in extract_book
File "calibre\customize\", line 242, in call
File "calibre\ebooks\conversion\plugins\", line 287, in convert
calibre.ebooks.DRMError: A Sea of Troubles - Donna Leon.epub
Exception ignored in: <function NativeFunction.del at 0x0000025C2EF64AE0>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "calibre_plugins.dedrm.adobekey", line 268, in del
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable
Exception ignored in: <function NativeFunction.del at 0x0000025C2EF64AE0>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "calibre_plugins.dedrm.adobekey", line 268, in del
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable

I tried. Now I get a message that the book is protected by DRM! Seems they changed it again.

Let's see a new log.

This time just the message, no log. Maybe the log above contains enough info. I could send you the book by mail.

As my PC didn't work I did this on my friends. I now see that there Adobe was updated to 4.5. I think that's the problem. Keep you posted if I can resolve it.

Sorry again. Turns out to be version 2.0 after all. There was an old link on the desktop to 4.5

I just tried epubor_ultimate. It decrypted (trial, so only 20%).

I hope it is ok to paste the log here:
ApplicationPaletteChange event ignored
Using calibre Qt style: True
ApplicationPaletteChange event received
calibre Foutopsporingslog
calibre 7.1 embedded-python: True
Windows-10-10.0.19045-SP0 Windows ('64bit', 'WindowsPE')
('Windows', '10', '10.0.19045')
Python 3.11.5
Windows: ('10', '10.0.19045', 'SP0', 'Multiprocessor Free')
Interface language: nl
Successfully initialized third party plugins: Gather KFX-ZIP (from KFX Input) (2, 5, 0) && DeDRM (10, 0, 9) && Package KFX (from KFX Input) (2, 5, 0) && Category Tags (0, 2, 8) && Count Pages (1, 13, 4) && KFX metadata reader (from KFX Input) (2, 5, 0) && KFX Input (2, 5, 0) && Open With (1, 8, 1)
calibre 7.1 embedded-python: True
Windows-10-10.0.19045-SP0 Windows ('64bit', 'WindowsPE')
('Windows', '10', '10.0.19045')
Python 3.11.5
Windows: ('10', '10.0.19045', 'SP0', 'Multiprocessor Free')
Interface language: nl
Successfully initialized third party plugins: Gather KFX-ZIP (from KFX Input) (2, 5, 0) && DeDRM (10, 0, 9) && Package KFX (from KFX Input) (2, 5, 0) && Category Tags (0, 2, 8) && Count Pages (1, 13, 4) && KFX metadata reader (from KFX Input) (2, 5, 0) && KFX Input (2, 5, 0) && Open With (1, 8, 1)
QPA platform: windows
devicePixelRatio: 1.0
logicalDpi: 96.0 x 96.0
physicalDpi: 92.53889943074003 x 92.67567567567568
[0.00] Starting up...
[0.00] Showing splash screen...
[0.17] splash screen shown
[0.17] Initializing db...
[0.44] db initialized
[0.44] Constructing main UI...
Category Tags: User Categories: Import User Catetories: running on_modules_update()
Category Tags: User Categories: Export User Catetories: running on_modules_update()
Key 'B' for shortcut Doorblader annotaties is already used by Boeken bijschaven, ignoring
Key 'B' for shortcut Doorblader annotaties is already used by Boeken bijschaven, ignoring
[1.55] main UI initialized...
[1.55] Hiding splash screen
Starting QuickView
DeDRM v10.0.9: Trying to decrypt The Jewels of Paradise.epub
DeDRM v10.0.9: Verifying zip archive integrity
DeDRM v10.0.9: The Jewels of Paradise.epub is a secure Adobe Adept ePub for UUID cd02f12a-3816-45ae-993d-e754949a02a0
DeDRM v10.0.9: Trying Encryption key default_key
p3_zjexu.epub is a secure Adobe Adept ePub.
Could not decrypt p3_zjexu.epub because of an exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\valk\AppData\Roaming\calibre\plugins\\", line 275, in decryptBook
File "C:\Users\valk\AppData\Roaming\calibre\plugins\\", line 91, in init
File "Crypto\Cipher\", line 228, in new
File "Crypto\", line 79, in _create_cipher
File "Crypto\", line 274, in _create_cbc_cipher
File "Crypto\Cipher\", line 90, in _create_base_cipher
ValueError: Incorrect AES key length (0 bytes)

DeDRM v10.0.9: Failed to decrypt with key default_key after 0.2 seconds
DeDRM v10.0.9: Looking for new default Adobe Digital Editions Keys after 0.2 seconds
Found 1 keys
DeDRM v10.0.9: Trying a new default key
p3_zjexu.epub is a secure Adobe Adept ePub.
Could not decrypt p3_zjexu.epub because of an exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\valk\AppData\Roaming\calibre\plugins\\", line 253, in decryptBook
File "Crypto\PublicKey\", line 822, in import_key
ValueError: RSA key format is not supported

DeDRM v10.0.9: Failed to decrypt with new default key after 0.3 seconds
DeDRM v10.0.9: Ultimately failed to decrypt after 0.3 seconds. Read the FAQs at noDRM's repository:
Running file type plugin DeDRM failed with traceback:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "calibre\customize\", line 187, in _run_filetype_plugins
File "calibre_plugins.dedrm.init", line 1041, in run
File "calibre_plugins.dedrm.init", line 639, in ePubDecrypt
calibre_plugins.dedrm.DeDRMError: DeDRM v10.0.9: Ultimately failed to decrypt after 0.3 seconds. Read the FAQs at noDRM's repository:
[23.55] splash screen hidden
[23.55] Started up in 23.55 seconds with 0 books
stdout+stderr from file dialog helper: [b'', b'']
piped data from file dialog helper: [b'\x9e\x03\x95\x95\x9f|8#\x06\xa4\xaa\xe2\x92\r~\x0b\xc1V\x1c\x89~D\xd6; ,\xa6\xa8\xdeo\x8d2', b'\\HVW-0\Install\The Jewels of Paradise.epub']
Added The Jewels of Paradise to db in: 0.2
Added 1 books in 0.7 seconds

Delete the saved Adobe Key in DeDRM's customization. Add your book again letting DeDRM retrieve the key automatically.

I deleted the first key in the sjon file. That didn't help. I deleted all DeDRM files in AppData\Roaming\calibre\plugins\ and reïnstalled DeDRM. Didn't work either. The sjon now looks like this:
"adeptkeys": {},
"adobe_pdf_passphrases": [],
"androidkeys": {},
"bandnkeys": {},
"ereaderkeys": {},
"kindlekeys": {},
"lcp_passphrases": [],
"pids": [],
"serials": []
I think and hope I have a backup, because It looks possible that I have to import books again I think
I wasn't able to switch back to normal (non-logging) operation of Calibre. I tried to point to the library, but it said it was already the library.

Wow, that's not what I suggested doing. And I don't know how you've managed this.

If ADE (where you downloaded the book) and calibre/DeDRM are on the same computer and user, then DeDRM will automatically retrieve your key and remove the DRM when you add the epub to calibre.

Hi, I owe you an explanation. I was having trouble transiting to a new (W11) system and had my old SSD in the new PC. ADE asked to register anew, but I was not ready for that. So I downloaded on the ADE of my partner. I thought I had everything installed the same way. When DeDRM didn't work I copied the downloaded epubs to my machine and tried there, not realizing/knowing that DeDRM only works for files on ADE on the same machine. After your last comment I checked the PC of my partner and found out DeDRM was not installed. When I installed it, it worked. I managed to restore the sjon file. Thanks for your help!

If you're all set, you can close the issue.