appetizerio / replaykit

[DEPRECATED] Command line tools for recording, replaying and mirroring touchscreen events for Android

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Crash in main thread on trace record

danielWatson3141 opened this issue · comments

Me again.

On Ubuntu, when I attempt to record a trace, I get an error. Specifically,

When I issue this command:
./appetizer trace record --device abc123 mytrace.trace

I get this error:
]Crash in main_thread Exception AttributeError: "GeteventReader instance has no attribute 'proc'" in <bound method GeteventReader.__del__ of <droidrep.GeteventTools.GeteventReader instance at 0x7f5f8af28098>> ignored

I should mention the context here. I am trying to run the appetizer executable without it on my PATH. Also, I am using the adb standalone program (available here), not the Android SDK, which is in the same directory and also not on the PATH.

This error does not seem to exist on Windows and I do not know about Mac yet, will update. Help is appreciated.

I have figured out the source of the issue. The adb still needs to be on the PATH on the linux version, although not on Windows.