apollographql / eslint-plugin-graphql

:vertical_traffic_light: Check your GraphQL query strings against a schema.

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Support /* GraphQL */ comment tags

jaydenseric opened this issue · comments

Like mentioned in the docs, a lot of GraphQL clients (such as graphql-react) don't need a template string tag. Such untagged template literals can be marked with a leading /* GraphQL */ comment for syntax highlighter, linters, and other tools.

const query = /* GraphQL */ `
  viewer {

This is a superior solution to a fake tag, which inconveniently needs to be imported everywhere and causes unnecessary bundle size and performance overheads.

In the meantime, fake-tag is a better solution than the copy-paste code suggested in the readme:

import gql from 'fake-tag'

const query = gql`
  viewer {

Is this being worked on?

Any news about this feature ?

For anyone who does not want an additional dependency, you can just do

export const gql = String.raw;

And then just use gql as you normally would. Your editor and this plugin will recognize it with no issues.

const query = gql`
  viewer {

@rigelglen see the fake-tag “Why not String.raw?” readme section:

This may be temptingly simple:

const gql = String.raw
const QUERY = gql`

However, it doesn’t unescape characters. For the usage example, if you console.log(typeDefs) > before and after replacing the import with const gql = String.raw you will see the difference in > the type description markdown:

    "A foo."
    type Foo {
-     "The `Foo` ID."
+     "The \`Foo\` ID."
      id: ID!

Would be really nice to have it since usage of template strings is not possible when using the graphql codegen.

@jaydenseric do you have plans to support gql functions like gql(document: string)?

I read through the docs but can't find a working solution except for patching the visitor.

@taletski I'm not sure exactly what you mean. Which repo/package are you referring to?

@jaydenseric sorry for providing a little context.

I am using gql codegen client-preset to generate strict types for all gql operations in my project.

This tool goes over ts(x) files, finds gql documents and generates for them own gql() function that returns a TypedDocumentNode. The benefit is that it allows my GQL client functions to automatically infer an exact TS response/variables types that contains only the fields I query and only the variables I use for this particular operation.



type Queries {
  backendQuery(foo: String!): BackendQueryResponse

type BackendQueryResponse {
  foo: String
  bar: String
// queries.ts
import { gql } from 'my-codegen-setup/generated/gql.ts'

// note that I am querying only `foo`, but not `bar`
const MY_QUERY = gql(`
  query myQuery($foo: String!) {
    result: backendQuery(foo: $foo) {
// Component.tsx

const { data } = useQuery(MY_QUERY, { variables: { foo:  'test'} });
//        ^                           ^^^^^^^^^
//        |                           |
//        |                            - Variables are now strictly typed, TS will not allow me to omit required ones
//         - Type of `data` is { result: { bar?: string } }

In the example above the caveat is that the generated gql() function can no longer be used as a template string tag, but should be applied as a regular function to produce TypedDocumentNode.

For now, eslint-plugin-graphql recognises only template literal tags and magic comments though.

So my questions is, do you plan to support the gql() function from the use case above?


So my questions is, do you plan to support the gql() function from the use case above?

Support it in what repo/package? If you mean eslint-plugin-graphql, I'm not an owner or maintainer of that. I'm just an external contributor via some PR's.

@jaydenseric sorry for confusion. I think I should proceed with a feature request and/or a PR on my own for that

This library is no longer maintained
Check out top of the README file which directs you to graphql-eslint