apmcleod / harmonic-inference

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Harmonic Inference

This is the repository for our ISMIR 2021 paper "A Modular System for the Harmonic Analysis of Musical Scores using a Large Vocabulary".


If you use this code, or refer to the paper, please cite it using the following Bibtex:

  title={A Modular System for the Harmonic Analysis of Musical Scores using a Large Vocabulary},
  author={McLeod, Andrew and Rohrmeier, Martin},
  booktitle={International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference {(ISMIR)}},


  1. Clone this repository
  2. Set up an environment using your favorite environment manager with python 3, e.g.:
conda create -n harmony python=3
conda activate harmony
  1. Install the package and dependencies with pip:
pip install -e .[dev]


Given a MusicXML or DCML-style MS3 score (e.g., these), the annotate.py script can be used to generate harmonic annotations for it. Note that in these harmonic annotations, applied roots (e.g., the vii of a V/vii chord) are treated as key modulations and output as such.


python annotate.py -x -i input --checkpoint {checkpoints-best,checkpoints-fh-best} --csm-version {0,1,2}
  • If input is a directory, it directory will be searched recursively for any MusicXML files. Otherwise, only the given file will be processed.


Given a DCML annotation corpus (e.g., these), you must first aggregate the data, then you can use the following command:

python annotate.py -i corpus_data --checkpoint {checkpoints-best,checkpoints-fh-best} --csm-version {0,1,2}
  • The argument --id num can be used to only run on the file with id num (given in the file corpus/files.tsv after aggregation).

Important Arguments

  • --checkpoint should point to the models you want to use (pre-trained FH, pre-trained internal, or your own; see Training).
  • --csm-version 0 uses the standard CSM, 1 uses the CSM-I, and 2 uses the CSM-T (which achieved the best performance in our tests).
  • To use the exact hyperparameter settings from our paper's grid search, add the arguments --defaults (for the internal-trained checkpoints checkpoints-best) or --fh-defaults (for the F-H-trained checkpoints checkpoints-fh-best). You must still set the --checkpoint and --csm-version manually.

Other hyperparameters and options can be seen with python annotate.py -h.

For example, the best performing model from the internal corpus can be run with: python annotate.py --checkpoint checkpoints-best --csm-version 2 --defaults -i [input]


The output will go into a directory specified by --output dir (default outputs), and will be a single tsv file with an index and the additional columns label, mc, and mn_onset:

  • label is the chord or key label, like Ab:KeyMode.MINOR (for the key of Ab minor) or C:Mm7, inv:1 (for a first inversion C7 chord).
  • mc is the measure index for this label. These do not necessarily align with the measure numbers written on the score. Rather, they are simply a 0-indexed list of all measures according to the input score file (MusicXML or DCML internal). For example, most score formats do not support repeat signs or key changes in the middle of a measure, so these will be split into multiple mcs.
  • mc_onset is the position, measured in whole notes after the beginning of the mc, where this label lies.
  • mn_onset is the position, measured in whole notes after the downbeat, where this label lies. Note that these are relative to the actual downbeat, not the beginning of the mc.

Example Output

  label mc mc_onset mn_onset
0 f:KeyMode.MINOR 0 0 3/4
1 C:M, inv:0 0 0 3/4
2 F:m, inv:2 1 0 0
3 F:m, inv:0 2 0 0

Applied Dominants

Applied chords (e.g., V/V or viio/III) are represented in our model as key changes. For example, the following output should be interpreted as I V/V V I in C major:

  label mc mc_onset mn_onset
0 C:KeyMode.MAJOR 0 0 0
1 C:M, inv:0 0 0 0
2 G:KeyMode.MAJOR 1 0 0
3 D:M, inv:0 1 0 0
4 C:KeyMode.MAJOR 2 0 0
5 G:M, inv:0 2 0 0
6 C:M, inv:0 3 0 0

Likewise, the following output should be interpreted as i V/III III i in a minor:

  label mc mc_onset mn_onset
0 a:KeyMode.MINOR 0 0 0
1 A:m, inv:0 0 0 0
2 C:KeyMode.MAJOR 1 0 0
3 G:M, inv:0 1 0 0
4 a:KeyMode.MINOR 2 0 0
5 C:M, inv:0 2 0 0
6 A:m, inv:0 3 0 0

Writing onto a Score

If you are annotating a score from a DCML-style corpus (e.g., these), the write_to_score.py script can be used to write the outputs of the program (both annotate.py) and test.py) directly onto the MuseScore3 files:

python write_to_score.py --annotations corpus --scores --output output_dir
  • corpus should point to the DCML corpus directory containing the raw label tsvs and MuseScore3 score files.
  • output_dir should point to the directory containing the model's outputs. This directory will be searched recursively for output tsv files.

The annotated score will be saved in the directory output_dir/MS3.


Instead of annotate.py, the test.py script can be used to run a trained model on a large set of annotated scores, and evaluate the results.

Supported corpora are currently the Functional Harmony corpus, and DCML-style corpora (e.g., any of those listed here).

To run experiments, follow these steps:

  1. If using a DCML-style corpus, you must first aggregate the data.
  2. You must then create h5 data files for training, validation, and test splits. These are already created for the FH corpus with default settings in the h5_data-fh directory.
  3. Train the 6 modules using the test and validation data. Pre-trained versions from the paper are provided in this repository.
  4. Run experiments using the test.py script (instructions below).
python test.py --checkpoint checkpoint_dir --h5 h5_dir -i corpus_data
  • By default, tests will run on the validation set. Include the argument --test to run on the test set.
  • To see other options, run python test.py -h.
  • If corpus_data points to the FH corpus, rather than aggregated DCML-style tsv data, you must also include the -x option.

Recreating our Experiments

To recreate the settings from our experiments in the paper, use the following commands:

Using models trained on the DCML internal corpora:

  • CSM: python test.py --checkpoint checkpoints-best --defaults -i corpus_data --h5 h5_data --csm-version 0 --test
  • CSM-I: python test.py --checkpoint checkpoints-best --defaults -i corpus_data --h5 h5_data --csm-version 1 --test
  • CSM-T top performing model: python test.py --checkpoint checkpoints-best --defaults -i corpus_data --h5 h5_data --csm-version 2 --test

Using models trained on the FH corpus:

  • CSM: python test.py --checkpoint checkpoints-fh-best --fh-defaults -i corpus_data --h5 h5_data --csm-version 0 --test
  • CSM-I: python test.py --checkpoint checkpoints-fh-best --fh-defaults -i corpus_data --h5 h5_data --csm-version 1 --test
  • CSM-T: python test.py --checkpoint checkpoints-fh-best --fh-defaults -i corpus_data --h5 h5_data --csm-version 2 --test


The outputs are provided in four ways.

  1. Performance metrics (chord accuracy, key accuracy, etc.) are printed to the log. This is std out by default, but can be printed to a file instead with --log logfile. Note that this logfile path is relative to the --output directory. These metrics results can be averaged using python test.py --average logfile.
  2. filename.tsv is identical to the annotations.py output format, with an additional color_name column, used to write these labels onto a score with color. Green indicates that the label is entirely correct, red is entirely incorrect, and yellow is partially correct.
  3. filename_results.tsv contains one row per onset position in the score, with the columns gt_key (the correct key label), gt_chord (the correct chord label), est_key (the estimated key label), est_chord (the estimated chord label), and duration the duration (in whole notes) for which the given labels are valid. These are listed starting at the beginning of the piece, and duplicate labels are common. Here is an example:
  gt_key gt_chord est_key est_chord duration
0 d:KeyMode.MINOR D:m, inv:0 d:KeyMode.MINOR D:m, inv:0 1/4
1 d:KeyMode.MINOR D:m, inv:0 d:KeyMode.MINOR D:m, inv:0 1/8
2 d:KeyMode.MINOR D:m, inv:0 d:KeyMode.MINOR D:m, inv:0 1/8
3 d:KeyMode.MINOR C#:o, inv:2 d:KeyMode.MINOR D:m, inv:0 1/4
  1. filename_results_midi.tsv is the same as filename_results.tsv, but the pitches are in semitone format, rather than TPC (i.e., C# and Db are the same pitch). Here is the same output, where this difference can be noticed in row id 3:
  gt_key gt_chord est_key est_chord duration
0 d:KeyMode.MINOR D:m, inv:0 d:KeyMode.MINOR D:m, inv:0 1/4
1 d:KeyMode.MINOR D:m, inv:0 d:KeyMode.MINOR D:m, inv:0 1/8
2 d:KeyMode.MINOR D:m, inv:0 d:KeyMode.MINOR D:m, inv:0 1/8
3 d:KeyMode.MINOR C#/Db:o, inv:2 d:KeyMode.MINOR D:m, inv:0 1/4

Data Creation

For training the modules, h5 data files must be created from the raw data.

DCML Corpus Aggregation

To use a DCML annotation corpora (e.g., any of those listed here), you must first create aggregated tsv data with the aggregate_corpus_data.py script:

python aggregate_corpus_data.py --input [input_dir] --output corpus_data
  • input_dir will be searched recursively for any DCML-style tsv data files.

Now, corpus_data will contain aggregated tsv files for use in model training, annotation, and evaluation.

H5 files

To create h5 data files use the create_h5_data.py script.

From a DCML corpus (aggregated as above): python create_h5_data.py -i corpus_data -h5 h5_data
From the Functional Harmony corpus: python create_h5_data.py -x -i functional-harmony -h5 h5_data

  • A pre-created version of the F-H data (with default splits and seed) is in the h5_data-fh directory.

Now, h5_data will contain the h5 data files, split into train, test, and validation. Run python create_h5_data.py -h for other arguments, like split sizes and random seeding.


Pre-trained models for the internal data can be found in checkpoints-best.
Pre-trained models for the Functional Harmony corpus can be found in checkpoints-fh-best.

You can inspect the hyperparameters and training logs using tensorboard --logdir [dir].

To train new models from scratch, use the train.py script. You must create h5 data files first.

The models will save by default in the checkpoints directory, which can be changed with the --checkpoint argument.

For the initial chord model (ICM), with DCML data: python train.py -m icm -i corpus_data -h5 h5_data
For the ICM, with Functional Harmony data: python train.py -m icm -i [functional-harmony-dir] -h5 h5_data

For the other models: python train.py -m {ctm,ccm,csm,ktm,ksm} -h5 h5_data

Other arguments (GPU training, etc.) are listed with python train.py -h

Model kwargs

The --model-kwargs argument can be used for training models with different dimensionality for a grid search, as well as CSMs and ICMs with different reductions (e.g., CSM-I and CSM-T in the paper). This argument takes a json file name and passes through the values as keyword arguments to the network's __init__ method.

The json files used for grid search for the results in the paper are in the model_jsons-grid_search directory.
The best json files corresponding with the best models from our grid search are in the model_jsons-best (internal corpus) and model_jsons-fh-best (FH corpus) directories.


License:MIT License


Language:Python 88.9%Language:Jupyter Notebook 11.1%