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eglQueryDevicesEXT egl spec definition wrong

per-mathisen-arm opened this issue · comments


In specs/eglapi.py the eglQueryDevicesEXT function is defined as

GlFunction(EGLBoolean, "eglQueryDevicesEXT", [(EGLint, "max_devices"), Out(Array(EGLDeviceEXT, "max_devices"), "devices"), Out(Array(EGLint, "max_devices"), "num_devices")], sideeffects=False),

however, I am quite sure from reading the spec (https://registry.khronos.org/EGL/extensions/EXT/EGL_EXT_device_enumeration.txt) that the last parameter is wrong and will lead to reading memory it shouldn't, as it is not an array and it should probably rather be defined as

Out(Pointer(EGLInt), "num_devices")


Indeed! Thank you.