apioo / fusio

Open source API management platform

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Fusio installation script failed

GMKostov opened this issue · comments

I'm trying to install Fusio (v4.0.3 downloaded from GitHub). I use IIS on Windows Server 2002. I installed the latest PHP (8.0.3) and MySQL (8.0.32) and activated PDO_MySQL. I created database named "fusio" in MySQL and an user "fusio" with full access to the database "fusio". The installation script "public/install.php" fails with this error:

[An error occurred on installation:
[notice] Migrating up to Fusio\Impl\Migrations\Version20230922194158
[error] Migration Fusio\Impl\Migrations\Version20230508210151 failed during Execution. Error: "The column "operation_id" on table "fusio_log" already exists."

In ColumnAlreadyExists.php line 16:
  The column "operation_id" on table "fusio_log" already exists.  

migrations:migrate [--write-sql [WRITE-SQL]] [--dry-run] [--query-time] [--allow-no-migration] [--all-or-nothing [ALL-OR-NOTHING]] [--configuration CONFIGURATION] [--em EM] [--conn CONN] [--] [<version>]](url)

What could be the problem?

Well. I decided that too much things named "fusio" may be a problem, so I droped the "fusio" database and created a new one named "fusiodb". The db user account I left as is - "fusio". Now the script succeeded up to step 3, where I got this error:

Could not install backend app, you can install the backend app later on using the command bin/fusio marketplace:install fusio
In StreamHandler.php line 72:
  Connection refused for URI https://www.fusio-project.org/marketplace.yaml  

In StreamHandler.php line 329:
  Connection refused for URI https://www.fusio-project.org/marketplace.yaml  

marketplace:install [-d|--disable_ssl_verify] [-x|--disable_env] [--] <name>

I have no problem to open that URL from a browser on the server and it shows this info:

    version: 3.0.8
    downloadUrl: 'https://github.com/apioo/fusio-apps-backend/releases/download/v3.0.8/fusio.zip'
    sha1Hash: db90623e08a225188dd5956883ea0589ef76797e
    description: 'The backend app is the official app to develop, configure and maintain your API.'
    screenshot: 'https://www.fusio-project.org/media/apps/backend.png'
    website: 'https://github.com/apioo/fusio-apps-backend'
    version: 3.0.4

The same error occurs when I run marketplace install from command line:


Yes, this step is indeed optional, could you run the command with the -d flag to disable SSL, this could be a problem under windows s. marketplace:install -d fusio

Otherwise you can also download the fusio backend app manually from the downloadUrl and place it in the public/apps folder, in this case you would also need to set the correct backend url at the index.html which is otherwise automatically replaced by the install command.

Thank you, for your support. I managed to finish that script and finally got this:


But now backend doesn't wish to authenticate me. I've stored username and password in a password manager before using them in install.php and I copy/pasted them from that manager when filled the install form and now, when trying to login, so there is no chance password to be wrong. This is what i get:


I see in database table fusio_user besides the user entered by me ("fusad"), there is also an user named "Administrator". Does it have some default password which could be used?

Some more screenshots:


and the console:


This still looks like there is something wrong with your API url since the endpoint returns a 404, could you show me then configured API_URL at your public/apps/index.html you could also add index.php/ to your endpoint in case mod_rewrite is not available at your webserver.

Here is my folder structure with folder of backend app shown:


Here is the content of index.html:


And this is my web.config with rewrite rules shown. One of the conditions in the imported rule is commented because I tryed to find the problem, and this conditions isn't mentioned in online instructions but it does exists in .htaccess and it was imported in IIS URL rewrite module config:


Hm. Obviously, something is wrong with that "rewrite" module. I tried to add "Index.php/" to the end of FUSIO_URL in index.html and now backend authenticated me and showed up the dashboard :)

@GMKostov ok, also please let me know if you could find the rewrite problem, or if you like, feel also free to adjust our IIS documentation https://docs.fusio-project.org/docs/installation/iis this was also provided initially by an IIS user but since I currently have no working IIS it is difficult for me to test this setup.