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What's the difference between public API and private API in Developer UI?

wdhwang opened this issue · comments

Hi, what's the difference between public API and private API in Developer UI?
Here are the all test APIs in Operation.

Operation Status Stability Name HTTP_Path
TestAPI1 Active, Public Experimental TestAPI1 /testapi1
TestAPI2 Active, Public Experimental TestAPI2 /testapi2
TestAPI3 Active, Public Experimental TestAPI3 /testapi3
TestAPI4 Active, Private Experimental TestAPI4 /testapi4

From Developer UI, I could see 3 test APIs on the left side, like the picture as follows.

But If I click the 'user' on the up-left corner, I could see 4 test APIs on the left side.

I have no idea about the difference between the two actions.

@wdhwang so "private" basically means that you need to provide an Authorization header containing an access token to requests this endpoint,

I got it, thanks a lot.