apigy / selfstarter

Roll your own crowdfunding

Home Page:selfstarter.us

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


DanielZhangQingLong opened this issue · comments

Why can't pass the rspec test? I got something like this:

Failure/Error: it { should allow_mass_assignment_of property }
       undefined method `active_authorizer' for #<Class:0x007fe563655180>

18) Order class methods .percent calculates the percent based on #goal and #current
     Failure/Error: Order.percent.should == 2.48 * 100
       expected: 248.0
            got: 0.0 (using ==)

20) Order class methods .revenue multiplies the #current with price from Settings
     Failure/Error: Order.revenue.should == 24
       expected: 24
            got: 0.0 (using ==)