apenella / go-ansible

Go-ansible is a Go package that enables the execution of ansible-playbook or ansible commands directly from Golang applications. It supports a wide range of options for each command, enabling smooth integration of Ansible functionality into your projects.

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Execute ansible-galaxy commands

apenella opened this issue · comments

Enhacement request
Execute ansible-galaxy commands using go-ansible package.

  • Main command options:
usage: ansible-galaxy [-h] [--version] [-v] TYPE ...

Perform various Role and Collection related operations.

positional arguments:
    collection   Manage an Ansible Galaxy collection.
    role         Manage an Ansible Galaxy role.

optional arguments:
  --version      show program's version number, config file location, configured module search path, module location, executable location and exit
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose  verbose mode (-vvv for more, -vvvv to enable connection debugging)
  • Collection subcommand options:
usage: ansible-galaxy collection [-h] COLLECTION_ACTION ...

positional arguments:
    download         Download collections and their dependencies as a tarball for an offline install.
    init             Initialize new collection with the base structure of a collection.
    build            Build an Ansible collection artifact that can be publish to Ansible Galaxy.
    publish          Publish a collection artifact to Ansible Galaxy.
    install          Install collection(s) from file(s), URL(s) or Ansible Galaxy
    list             Show the name and version of each collection installed in the collections_path.
    verify           Compare checksums with the collection(s) found on the server and the installed copy. This does not verify dependencies.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  • Role subcommand options:
usage: ansible-galaxy role [-h] ROLE_ACTION ...

positional arguments:
    init       Initialize new role with the base structure of a role.
    remove     Delete roles from roles_path.
    delete     Removes the role from Galaxy. It does not remove or alter the actual GitHub repository.
    list       Show the name and version of each role installed in the roles_path.
    search     Search the Galaxy database by tags, platforms, author and multiple keywords.
    import     Import a role into a galaxy server
    setup      Manage the integration between Galaxy and the given source.
    info       View more details about a specific role.
    install    Install role(s) from file(s), URL(s) or Ansible Galaxy

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit

I am planning some changes to the Executor interface. Since that feature will requires the executor I will start working on it on the v2.0.0.

Available in v2.0.0-rc-3