apenella / go-ansible

Go-ansible is a Go package that enables the execution of ansible-playbook or ansible commands directly from Golang applications. It supports a wide range of options for each command, enabling smooth integration of Ansible functionality into your projects.

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SSH StrictHostKeyChecking

PaPerM7 opened this issue · comments

I wanted to know if there is a way to set StrictHostKeyChecking=no when im running my ansible playbook.
I tried to add SSHCommonArgs: "-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no" to ansiblePlaybookConnectionOptions but it seems that its not working. i wanted to make sure if im doing it the right way or my attempts are just hopeless.
Thank you for responding <3

Hi! @PaPerM7
Thanks for spotting that!
I have seen that those arguments were not quoted and it could be the cause of your issue.

I created the pull request #128 which should solve it. Would you mind checking it before preparing a new release including the fix?


Did you have the chance to validate the PR #128?


@PaPerM7 I added the fix on the release v1.2.1