apenella / go-ansible

Go-ansible is a Go package that enables the execution of ansible-playbook or ansible commands directly from Golang applications. It supports a wide range of options for each command, enabling smooth integration of Ansible functionality into your projects.

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Ansible Configuration Support

z0mbix opened this issue · comments

Hi, this is a fantastic package and it's working really well for what I need so many thanks for all the hard work and thought on implementing this.

I'm still having to use an ansible.cfg to add some configuration. I know I could use env vars to do this, but are there any plans to support ansible configuration with this package?

Hi @z0mbix!
I appreciate your message, thank you! I am really happy to know that the library is useful for you :)

I never had a use case to support ansible configuration rather than the env vars, but if you have an idea, you can elaborate on it, and I would give it a thought.


I've managed to do this which is working fine:

	defaultAnsibleEnvVars := map[string]string{
		"ANSIBLE_DISPLAY_OK_HOSTS":      "false",
		"ANSIBLE_FORCE_COLOR":           "true",
		"ANSIBLE_NOCOWS":                "true",
		"ANSIBLE_PLAYBOOK_DIR":          ansiblePlaybookDir,
		"ANSIBLE_PYTHON_INTERPRETER":    "auto_silent",
		"ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH":            ansibleRolesPath,
	defaultExecutor.EnvVars = defaultAnsibleEnvVars

So it's not a real problem, just thought it may be nicer to handle these with proper types to avoid it being so "stringy"

HI @z0mbix!
I have been thinking about it and a solution to solve it would be inspired by the options pattern.

I need to refine the idea but the first approach would be:

  • Create new packages with a set of functions that returns such as WithAnsibleDisplayOkHost(), WithForceColor(), WithPlaybookDir(dir string), etc.
  • Add a new attribute to the structs AnsiblePlaybookCmd and AnsibleAdhocCmd, which would be a list of those configuration functions
  • Inject those configurations to the executor through env vars.

Hi @z0mbix!
I have been working on the feature proposed some time ago, which involves implementing a mechanism for configuring Ansible settings. I am now preparing to merge the first prerelease of version 2.0.0. You can find the changes here: #126. Please note that there are significant breaking changes in this new major release.

Great news! Very much looking forward to 2.x.x 👏

The following guide provides how to use ansible configuration settings.