aparrish / seaduck

A bare-bones simulation-driven narrative framework

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Sea Duck

By Allison Parrish

Sea Duck is a minimally opinionated rough-draft JavaScript framework for producing narratives through simulation. All you have to do is define a list of nouns, a list of actions that happen to those nouns (thereby producing events), and a Tracery grammar to turn those events into text.

Note: This library uses a number of ES6 features (maps, generator functions) and I haven't used a transpiler or anything to provide backwards compatibility. Internet Explorer probably won't work (but Edge probably will?). Sorry!

I made this framework primarily as a toy for experimentation and teaching, because I couldn't find any similar frameworks (available in a more-or-less complete form to the general public) that make it easy to get started with making narratives from simulated events. The idea was to facilitate quick prototypes for projects along the lines of Darius Kazemi's Teens Wander Around A House (NaNoGenMo thread here) As a consequence, this framework doesn't contain a built-in world model, or a system for solving constraints or action planning (though you could implement any of those things yourself on top of the framework).

Pull requests or suggestions for overall architecture are solicited.


You can npm install from this git repo and require('seaduck') in your code:

npm install https://github.com/aparrish/seaduck --save

Or you can download the bundle (click "Raw" and then File > Save as... or equivalent in your browser) and add it to your project with a <script> tag:

<script src="seaduck-bundle.js"></script>

... which will create a global seaduck variable available to the rest of your JavaScript code.


You can find annotated examples in the examples/ folder. If you've downloaded this repo, you can run them like so:

node examples/01_basic.js

The examples are also available in adapted form on the p5.js web editor:

Concepts and usage

The purpose of a Sea Duck narrative is to generate sentences from events that transpire as nouns interact according to a set of rules. At each step of the simulation, the state of the nouns (properties and relations) are checked, and then potentially changed, generating narrative events in the process, which are rendered as text using Tracery grammars. A Sea Duck narrative consists of the following components:

  • Nouns
  • Actions
  • Relations
  • Events
  • Discourse

Create Sea Duck narrative object like so:

let n = new seaduck.Narrative({
    "nouns": [
        ... list of noun objects ...
    "actions": [
        ... list of action definitions ...
    "initialize": function() { ...code to execute on startup... },
    "traceryDiscourse": {
        ... tracery rules for each kind of event ...

After creation, you can step through the simulation using .step(), which returns a list of StoryEvent objects created during the simulation step; or you can call .stepAndRender(), which collects events from .step() and renders them using the associated Tracery grammar.

Nouns and properties

A noun is something that will participate in the narrative (a person, place, or thing). Here's an example noun:

  "name": "Joe",
  "properties": {
    "happiness": 0,
    "hungry": true
  "tags": ["person"]

The name attribute identifies the noun and is also the string that will be used to render it in the Tracery output; the properties attribute is an object for storing values associated with this noun; and the tags attribute is a list of strings "tagging" this noun. (The tags are used to group objects into categories for the purpose of relations and action matching; see below.) Nouns must have all of these attributes defined.


An action is a series of checks to perform against nouns on each step, along with code for what to do if those checks pass. A typical action is structured like this:

  "name": "eat",
  "match": ["#person", "#food"],
  "when": function(a, b) {
    return a.properties.hungry && !b.properties.eaten;
  "action": function*(a, b) {
    yield (new seaduck.StoryEvent("eat", a, b));
    a.properties.hungry = false;
    b.properties.eaten = true;

The value of the when attribute should be a function that takes one or two nouns as parameters and returns true or false. If this function returns true, then the action check succeeds, and the function associated with the action attribute will be executed.

Inside the when and action functions, this is bound to the Sea Duck Narrative object itself, to make it easy to call any of its methods. (Read on for more information on the methods you can call.)

The name attribute of an action is currently ignored (but might be used for something else in the future).


The match attribute of an action specifies which nouns or groups of nouns to will be given to the when and action functions. The list can contain either one or two items; if one item, then the when function will be called for each matching noun(s) it turn. If two items, then the when function will be called once for each pair of items from both matching lists, with the items from the corresponding lists being passed as the first and second parameters, respectively. If the string in the list starts with #, then all nouns matching the tag will be included; otherwise, only the noun whose name exactly matches will be included.

For example, the following match list:

"match": ["#person"]

... would cause the when function to be called once for every noun tagged "person," while this match list:

"match": ["#dog", "#cat"]

... would cause the when function to be called for every possible pairing of nouns labelled dog and cat. Without the # sign, only the noun with exactly the matching name will be included, so:

"match": ["Joe", "cupcake"]

... would cause the when function to be called only once (with the noun named Joe and the noun named cupcake as parameters).

Yielding actions

Note that updating parameters or manipulating relations does not itself create narrative events. It's up to you to decide what changes to story state "mean" in terms of the events that they create.

To that end, the action function should be a generator function that yields StoryEvent objects. (Generator functions are used so that actions can potentially generate multiple events; you need to put a * after the word function in the function definition to make it a generator function.) The StoryEvent constructor takes at least one and up to three parameters, specifying the event's verb, the first noun, and the second noun. For example, the following action function would yield three different events:

"action": function*(a, b) {
    yield new seaduck.StoryEvent("rain"); // just verb
    yield new seaduck.StoryEvent("sleep", a); // verb + subject
    yield new seaduck.StoryEvent("see", a, b); // verb + subject + object

Discourse (rendering events with Tracery)

When "rendering" StoryEvents as sentences, the name of the verb will be matched to a Tracery rule. When rendering, the rules nounA and nounB will be set to the corresponding nouns in the StoryEvent. For example, the traceryDiscourse section to render the events in the example above might look like:

"traceryDiscourse": {
    "rain": ["It's raining."],
    "sleep": ["#nounA# falls asleep."],
    "see": ["#nounA# sees #nounB# out of the corner of their eye."]

The properties of each noun are also available as rules in the Tracery grammar with the names nounA_<propname> and nounB_<propname>, where <propname> is the name of the property.


In Sea Duck, a relation is a named boolean value that relates one noun to another. You can check for relations between nouns in a when function and create (or destroy) relations between nouns in an action function. For example, if you wanted to create an in_love relation between two nouns in an action function, you might write:

this.relate("in_love", a, b);

To check to see if two nouns are related to each other with a particular relationship, use this.isRelated(...):

if (this.isRelated("in_love", a, b)) { ... }

The this.reciprocal() method creates a two-way relation (so that a is in_love with b and b is in_love with a):

this.reciprocal("in_love", a, b);

You can erase a relation using this.unrelate() or this.unreciprocal():

this.unrelate("in_love", a, b); // a is no longer in_love with b
this.unreciprocal("in_love", a, b); // a & b are no longer in_love w/each other

The function this.allRelatedByTag(...) function gives you a list of all objects with the given tag that a noun is related to with the named relation. For example, to find all nouns that a is in_love with tagged person:

this.allRelatedByTag("in_love", a, "person") // array of related nouns

If you're pretty sure that there's only one related noun by tag, you can use this.relatedByTag(...) to only get the first result:

this.relatedByTag("in_love", a, "person") // one noun object


The initialize attribute of the object passed to the Narrative constructor should point to a generator function, which will be called when the .step() method is called before any actions are checked. This is a great place to put any code to initialize relations between objects or generate introductory story events. For example, the following initialize function generates story events for each hungry noun:

  "initialize": function*() {
    for (let noun of this.getNounsByProperty("hungry", true)) {
      yield (new seaduck.StoryEvent("isHungry", noun));

Finding noun objects

Two handy methods for looking up noun objects:

  • this.getNounsByProperty(prop, val) returns an array of noun objects for each noun whose property named by prop is equal to val;
  • this.noun(name) returns the noun with the given name. (This is handy in initialize or advanced uses of action functions where you don't have a reference to the object itself.)

When narration ends

Narration ends when either of the following two conditions obtain:

  • No events are generated by any action
  • The state of the narrative (i.e., noun properties and relations) did not change from one step to the next

In both cases, Sea Duck inserts a special StoryEvent with the verb _end to indicate that the story is over. You can manually end a narration by yielding an event with this verb from an action function. Subsequent calls to .step() (and .stepAndrender()) will return empty arrays.

A typical loop for stepping through the narration simulation might look like this:

let n = new seaduck.Narrative(...your narration specification here...);
let maxSteps = 100; // maximum number of steps to perform

for (let i = 0; i < maxSteps; i++) {
    let storyEvents = n.stepAndRender();
    if (storyEvents.length > 0) {
        for (let ev of storyEvents) {
    else {


Copyright 2018 Allison Parrish

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.



A bare-bones simulation-driven narrative framework


Language:JavaScript 100.0%