apal21 / nextjs-progressbar

A simple Next.js progressbar component using NProgress.

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router.events.emit('routeChangeError'); is not working

nino-cast opened this issue · comments



"next": "12.0.10",
"nextjs-progressbar": "^0.0.13",
// app.tsx

<NextNProgress stopDelayMs={0} options={{ showSpinner: false }} />
// form guard

import { useRouter } from 'next/router';
import { useEffect } from 'react';

export const useFormGuard = (isDirty: boolean) => {
  const router = useRouter();
  const message = 'ok?';

  const pageChangeHandler = () => {
    const answer = window.confirm(message);
    if (!answer) {
      // crash here
      // throw 'routeChange aborted.';

  const beforeUnloadhandler = (event: BeforeUnloadEvent) => {
    event.returnValue = message;

  useEffect(() => {
    if (isDirty) {
      router.events.on('routeChangeStart', pageChangeHandler);
      window.addEventListener('beforeunload', beforeUnloadhandler);
      return () => {
        router.events.off('routeChangeStart', pageChangeHandler);
        window.removeEventListener('beforeunload', beforeUnloadhandler);
  }, [isDirty, router]);

Is this related to this package? If so could you please share codesandbox something similar?

This isn't related to this package but ik the solution. You are emitting routeChangeError without any arguments. If you check

you'll find routeChangeError emits with 3 args.

routeChangeError(err, url, { shallow }) - Fires when there's an error when changing routes, or a route load is cancelled.

So you need to provide error, url and an object with shallow property.

btw I'm saying to @apal21 that our routeChangeError's handler is set to routeChangeEnd which accepts only url and {shallow} and routeChangeError emits with 3 args and 1st one is error. How it's working? I'll test it later


@apal21 @imranbarbhuiya
Thank you for your reply. This is demo.

As @imranbarbhuiya points out, I think the cause of the error is the lack of arguments in the handler for routerChangeError.

The documentation has a shallow as the third error event, but the library handler is trying to get the shallow from the second argument.

Using {shallow} in url is incorrect. But this wont throw any error bc url.shallow is undefined so it'll assume it as false which will work fine but it needs a fix though. But in your case this isn't the issue. You aren't passing any parameters when using emit which is causing the error.

You should do like this

router.events.emit('routeChangeError',err, yoururl, {shallow})

thank you for your reply.

I understand that the argument is for listen, not emit. When passing the argument with emit, what kind of content should be specifically passed?

Upon investigation, I could not find an example of passing an argument with emit.

I fork and fix the event handler and try.

If you know of Sandox where router.events.emit ('routeChangeError'); works for this library, please let me know.

this can help maybe

const pageChangeHandler = (
    url: string,
    { shallow }: { shallow: boolean }
  ) => {
    if (!shallow) {
      const answer = window.confirm(message);
      if (!answer) {
        router.events.emit('routeChangeError','routeChange aborted.', url, {shallow});
        throw 'routeChange aborted.';

solved. Thank you for your kind answer!