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Open deep learning compiler stack for cpu, gpu and specialized accelerators

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[CI Problem] TLCPack Docker image unable to set LLVM version

Liam-Sturge opened this issue · comments

The Problem

Intermittently, when running ./build_image.sh cpu, the function detect_llvm_version() does not run correctly due to exceeding Github API rate limits. This then causes a complete failure as the script attempts to use Curl to fetch the LLVM project from Github with the following syntax llvm-project-${LLVM_VERSION}.src.tar.xz. As no version is set, an invalid URL is passed to Curl and an empty file is downloaded. In the logs when building a package-cpu Docker image the following error is seen:

 => ERROR [ 7/20] RUN bash /install/centos_build_llvm.sh 16.0
[ 7/20] RUN bash /install/centos_build_llvm.sh 16.0:
unxz: llvm-project-.src.tar.xz: File format not recognized

Additional Details

The Github API rate limit error looks like this:

{"message":"API rate limit exceeded for <IP ADDRESS>. (But here's the good news: Authenticated requests get a higher rate limit. Check out the documentation for more details.)","documentation_url":"https://docs.github.com/rest/overview/resources-in-the-rest-api#rate-limiting"}

The error can be replicated after the rate limit is exceeded by navigating to the LLVM URL directly: https://api.github.com/repos/llvm/llvm-project/releases?per_page=100

In the ./build_image.sh script we are not using an authenticated API request, so the rate is set very low (<50 in given timeout period).


Intermittent and more likely to impact CI running regularly, rather than an individual.

Suggested Solution

Don't use the Github API to detect the LLVM version. List the remote tags of the repo using git ls-remote instead. A Github support discussion here suggests

Git operations do not consume part of your API rate limit, as there are no API calls made to GitHub.com via the git client.


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  • needs-triage

Raised issue on TLCPack repo instead: tlc-pack/tlcpack#190