apache / superset

Apache Superset is a Data Visualization and Data Exploration Platform

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Value not available in TextAreaControl when reopen the chart control panel

PrabuSarvesan opened this issue · comments

Saved text not available in control panel text area in chart control panel.

How to reproduce the bug

  1. Create a custom plugin and add TextAreaControl in control panel.
  2. Create a new chart from custom plugin and add some text in textarea.
  3. Save the created chart.
  4. Either refresh or open created chart and see control panel.

Expected results

Saved text should be available in TextAreaControl as like TextControl.

Actual results

Saved text not available.


  • browser type and version: Chrome 101.0.4951.54
  • superset version: Latest
  • node.js version: 16.8.0


Make sure to follow these steps before submitting your issue - thank you!

  • [*] I have checked the superset logs for python stacktraces and included it here as text if there are any.
  • [*] I have reproduced the issue with at least the latest released version of superset.
  • [*] I have checked the issue tracker for the same issue and I haven't found one similar.

Additional context

Its working properly in TextControl.


It's cuz widget is using props.initialValue instead of props.value

I'm not sure if this is still an issue in current versions of Superset (3.x). If it is, we can re-open this, or feel free to open a new issue with updated context and a reproducible case. We're no longer supporting Superset 2.x or prior, and it's been a while since this thread saw any activity, so I'm closing this as stale.