apache / servicecomb-mesher

A high performance service mesh implementation written in go

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How to register schema in mesher to make intercalls from other microservices.

shri-arunraj opened this issue · comments

I have java chassis SDK based serviceA talks to mesher acting as sidecar proxy for the python based serviceB.
When I call serviceB operations via mesher with restclient like this

		 RestTemplate restTemplate = RestTemplateBuilder.create();
	    String result =
	            		, null, String.class,request.getHeight(),request.getWeight());

I am always ended up in Message Not Found Error.

    "message": "Not Found"

Relevant logs

2023-03-02 13:12:31.428  INFO 1206 --- [oup0-1-thread-1] o.a.s.registry.swagger.SwaggerLoader     : try to load schema locally, appId=[testApp], serviceName=[serviceB], schemaId=[shippingservice]
2023-03-02 13:12:31.444  WARN 1206 --- [oup0-1-thread-1] o.a.s.registry.swagger.SwaggerLoader     : no schema in local, and can not get schema from service center, appId=Elavon, microserviceName=shippingservice, version=1.1.1, serviceId=387916b7066a225101afb347c009988e1a78ea67, schemaId=shippingservice.

Then I realised that mesher would not know about the schema/operations supported by the sidecar main serviceB which it proxies.

So the question is how to register the schema in mesher with the operations supported in the microservice in serviceB
I have tried creating schema yaml file and put it under mesher/conf folder. But it does not work. The schemas are not getting uploaded or registered in the service center.

Please suggest how to make intercommunication calls from serviceA to serviceB through mesher?

@tianxiaoliang Can you help on this issue?