apache / sedona

A cluster computing framework for processing large-scale geospatial data

Home Page:https://sedona.apache.org/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Package Conflict when I use ST_AsGeoJSON

liuhao0826 opened this issue · comments

Sedona version = 1.5.1
Apache Spark version = 3.4.2
API type = Python
Scala version = 2.12
JRE version = 1.8
Python version = 3.9.13
Environment = Standalone,

sedona_config = SedonaContext.builder(). \
    master("local"). \
    appName("ag_count_hour_ods_df_app"). \
    config("spark.driver.memory", "20G"). \
           "./geotools-wrapper-1.5.1-28.2.jar"). \
final_df = segments_df.selectExpr("ST_AsGeoJSON(ST_ConvexHull(ST_GeomFromText(polygon_text))) as polygon_geojson")

issued with:image

how to solve it?

@liuhao0826 This is really strange. Did you by any chance put some sedona jars in SPARK_HOME/jars?

@liuhao0826 This is really strange. Did you by any chance put some sedona jars in SPARK_HOME/jars?

Thank you, I remember ten days ago when I threw the geospark related jar package into the jars directory and forgot to remove it