apache / sedona

A cluster computing framework for processing large-scale geospatial data

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Retrieve WKT CRS ID using ShapefileReader

adamaps opened this issue · comments

Rather than implicitly setting (or assuming) a Coordinate Reference System (CRS) for a Sedona dataframe derived from a shapefile, it would be helpful to include the known CRS as a dataframe property or as EWKT geometry.


The CRS can be obtained from the corresponding shapefile .prj file (if one exists) using the parent ID property of the WKT CRS definition based on an OGC WKT CRS standard (https://www.ogc.org/standard/wkt-crs/). If the .prj file is not formatted to this standard or does not exist then no CRS shall be retrieved.

The parent ID for this WKT CRS example is ["EPSG": 7930]

 DATUM["European Terrestrial Reference Frame 2000",
 ELLIPSOID["GRS 1980",6378137,298.257222101]

Expected behavior

When reading a shapefile from a folder path using the ShapefileReader class (using any method: readToGeometryRDD, readToPolygonRDD, readToPolygonRDD, readToLineStringRDD), include a dataframe property (or return geometry as EWKT) that stores the shapefile CRS as defined in shapefile.prj (if it exists in the input folder).

Actual behavior

Shapefile geometry is retrieved as WKT without any CRS information, even if it exists in the .prj file. This makes it difficult to work with a variety of shapefile inputs that may be based on a variety of coordinate systems.

Steps to reproduce the problem

Example usage here is to transform to a desired coordinate system regardless of the input coordinate system (i.e. without calling ST_SetSRID), making use of the sedona-1.5.1 supported format ST_Transform (A: Geometry, TargetCRS: String) as described here: https://sedona.apache.org/1.5.0/api/sql/Function/#st_transform.

shp_rdd = ShapefileReader.readToGeometryRDD(SEDONA, shp_file)
shp_df = Adapter.toDf(shp_rdd, SEDONA)
output_df = SEDONA.sql("select ST_Transform(geometry, 'EPSG:4326') as geometry from shp_data")

This returns the following error:

Source CRS must be specified. No SRID found on geometry.


Sedona version = 1.5.1

Apache Spark version = 3.3.0

API type = Python

Python version = 3.10

Environment = AWS Glue 4.0 using sedona-spark-shaded-3.0_2.12-1.5.1.jar and geotools-wrapper-1.5.1-28.2.jar

@adamaps Thanks for raising this issue. We are thinking of completely re-writing our Shapefile reader using Dataframe API.

For now, you can use ST_SetSRID to specify SRID on your geometries assume all geometries are in the same CRS. Or ST_Transform(geometry, 'EPSG:XXXX', 'EPSG:4326').

Thanks @jiayuasu. If you do re-write the shapefile reader, please consider including the CRS property 🙏🏻.

Feel free to move this ticket where appropriate.