apache / sedona

A cluster computing framework for processing large-scale geospatial data

Home Page:https://sedona.apache.org/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Noisy warnings on optional imports

guilhem-dvr opened this issue · comments

Expected behavior

I want to use Sedona as is in my spark cluster, without any optional dependencies:

from sedona.spark import SedonaContext


spark_session = SedonaContext.create(spark_session)

Actual behavior

Simply importing from sedona.spark:

from sedona.spark import SedonaContext

prints out two import warning:

Skipping SedonaKepler import, verify if keplergl is installed
Skipping SedonaPyDeck import, verify if pydeck is installed

Steps to reproduce the problem

Install sedona and import from sedona.spark


Sedona version = 1.5.1

API type = Python

Python version = Any (I use 3.10.12)

Environment = Standalone