apache / rocketmq-client-cpp

Apache RocketMQ cpp client

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[C extension]some c interface enhancement and bugfix during user using python sdk

humkum opened this issue · comments


  1. Please describe the issue you observed:
    When we extend the Python sdk with the c interface of the c++ sdk, we find the following question:
  • task 1 [#398] When we open message trace,client log shows follow error:
    (error):processSendResponse error remark:topic[rmq_sys_TRACE_DATA_DefaultRegion] not exist, apply first please! See http://rocketmq.apache.org/docs/faq/ for further details., error code:17[processSendResponse:552]
  • task 2 [#400] Setting the log path does not take effect,set log path interface not implemented
int SetProducerLogPath(CProducer* producer, const char* logPath) {
  if (producer == NULL) {
    return NULL_POINTER;
  return OK;
  • task 3 [#402] The json format of ConsumeRunningInfo is different from the format required by the broker side, resulting in an error in the display of subscription group details

  • task 4 The obtained local IP in clientID is

  • task 5 [#404] By using Python sdk,the language displayed by the console was still "CPP",should add c interface to change language type.

  • task 6 The configuration of the single log size and the maximum number of saved logs does not take effect.

  1. Please tell us about your environment:
  • What is your OS?

  • What is your client version?

  • What is your RocketMQ version?

  1. Other information (e.g. detailed explanation, logs, related issues, suggestions on how to fix, etc):


  1. Please describe the feature you are requesting.

  2. Provide any additional detail on your proposed use case for this feature.

  3. Indicate the importance of this issue to you (blocker, must-have, should-have, nice-to-have). Are you currently using any workarounds to address this issue?

  4. If there are some sub-tasks using -[] for each subtask and create a corresponding issue to map to the sub task: