apache / dolphinscheduler

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[Improvement][Task]Ability to use secrets/env vars in tasks e.g. shell available on DS workers when DS is deployed in K8s

saikiran1208 opened this issue · comments

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  • I had searched in the issues and found no similar feature requirement.


At the moment I did not see any documentation or issues related to using DS K8s secrets / env vars in tasks. I have deployed DS in k8s and trying to pass secrets in my scripts and I do not see an option to store secrets in masked format. It is available to view in plain text. If there is an ability to use existing secrets/env vars mounted on DS worker pods would be great or a way to provide these from the UI in a masked format would be great.

Use case

Ability to use DS worker K8s secrets/env vars in tasks or ability to create them in the UI and pass them to workflow tasks

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