apache / dolphinscheduler

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[Bug] [Master] Use workerGroupWriteLock to update work node info

DaqianLiao opened this issue · comments

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What happened

When executing the updateWorkerNodes method, since we need to update the workerNodeInfo list, but we use the workerGroupWriteLock object. It is not OK !

private void updateWorkerNodes() {
try {
Map<String, String> workerNodeMaps = registryClient.getServerMaps(RegistryNodeType.WORKER);
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : workerNodeMaps.entrySet()) {
workerNodeInfo.put(entry.getKey(), JSONUtils.parseObject(entry.getValue(), WorkerHeartBeat.class));
} finally {

What you expected to happen

When executing the updateWorkerNodes method, since we need to update the workerNodeInfo list, we need to use the workerNodeInfoWriteLock object.

How to reproduce

The modified code is as follows:

private void updateWorkerNodes() {
try {
Map<String, String> workerNodeMaps = registryClient.getServerMaps(RegistryNodeType.WORKER);
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : workerNodeMaps.entrySet()) {
workerNodeInfo.put(entry.getKey(), JSONUtils.parseObject(entry.getValue(), WorkerHeartBeat.class));
} finally {

Anything else

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