apache / apisix-ingress-controller

APISIX Ingress Controller for Kubernetes

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bug: Some headers are not supported in the response-rewrite plugin

leandrocostam opened this issue · comments

Current Behavior

I am trying to add some headers using the response-rewrite plugin in APISIXRoute CRD, but I am facing an error in the APISIX controller. The current pattern doesn't allow header value that contain multiples :. A common use case is when you have to add the Content-Security-Policy header with multiple domains using https://.

Expected Behavior

I should be able to define values for the headers using multiples :.

Error Logs

ApisixRoute Resource Events
Source: ApisixIngress

ApisixIngress synced failed, with error: 3 errors occurred: * plugin [response-rewrite] config is invalid * - headers: Must validate at least one schema (anyOf) * - headers.add.6: Does not match pattern '^[^:]+:[^:]+[^/]$'

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create the following APISIXRoute CRD resource in an existing Kubernetes cluster with the APISIX Ingress Controller installed:
apiVersion: apisix.apache.org/v2
kind: ApisixRoute
  name: httpbin-route
 - name: rule1
     - httpbin.org
       - /*
   - serviceName: foo
     servicePort: 8080
   - name: response-rewrite
     enable: true
           - "Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; connect-src 'self' https://example.com; img-src 'self' data: blob:"
  1. Deploy the resource and check the events of the ApisixRoute CRD to see the error message.


  • APISIX version: Apisix Ingress Controller 1.8.0
  • Operating system: GKE cluster running k8s 1.27

@leandrocostam We had the same issue. To avoid it you can put: "example.com" instead of "https://example.com" in Content-Security-Policy. It works in the same way

@leandrocostam We had the same issue. To avoid it you can put: "example.com" instead of "https://example.com" in Content-Security-Policy. It works in the same way

Yes, that works when you don't have to restrict the load over HTTPS. It's something that we need right now 😞

Also, there are cases where you can have the following CSP policy block:

img-src 'self' data: blob:

It also breaks the response-rewrite plugin

We are using the headers.set as a workaround for now. By checking the code, it's a different validation and it's not breaking the plugin.