aozora / bootmetro

Simple and complete web UI framework to create web apps with Windows 8 Metro user interface, based on Bootstrap 2.

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Use tags instead of branches

kriswema opened this issue · comments


please use tags to define versions! It makes for a much cleaner experience and would enable tools like Bower to fetch specific releases.
Your versioning confuses me a bit, by the way. you have a v0.7.0-wip branch and a 1.0.0-wip branch; are you working on 1.0 and 0.7 at the same time?
I suggest what I've seen before: master and develop branches, regular pushes from develop into master, and tags for versioning.

# Delete branches used for versioning
git push origin --delete 0.5.0
git push origin --delete 0.6.0
git push origin --delete 1.0.0
# Checkout commits and assign version tags
git checkout 1825712d69e20a9e04ab8c4e4043f507a8869a34
git tag -a 0.5.0 -m 'version 0.5.0'
git checkout c2f90b703d6402ee49ea486f5131bba0c1ab7e18
git tag -a 0.6.0 -m 'version 0.6.0'
git checkout b9867aa952709fea3a4e094b5ec68d326e240aad
git tag -a 1.0.0 -m 'version 1.0.0'
# Push with tags
git push --tags origin master

I've tried this on a forked repository and it worked fine. The branches should be deleted to avoid naming conflicts with tags, else you'd have to specify them with refs/ paths.

Thank you for your suggestion, I know that the project versioning is a lot confusing, and I'm committed to fix it as soon as possible.

+1 for bower integration used with yeoman