aoxborrow / pj_map

PJ Order Status Map

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PJJ Order Status Map Changelog

July 11th, 2011 (8 hours)

  • organized code into pjj_map object
  • added warehouse and monster images
  • added drawRoute method to take a route object and draw the alternating bezier curves between points
  • added route selection for testing and 4 test routes

Note: For the real map I'll have to spend a lot more time on the path making, there are a lot of destinations that aren't going to look right with this simplistic rendering. I'll have to tone down the curves so they work between shorter distances. Also, for a lot of the tracking numbers I looked at, the last tracking location is usually very close to the final destination. For these we'll have to just use a straight line, and put the monster earlier in the route.

July 7th, 2011 (8 hours)

  • cleaned up v4 map, traced new USA outline closer to reference map.
  • output new background images and SVG for new outline
  • implemented 3 different mapProject methods for applying lat/lon coordinates
  • added geocoding ajax call
  • added simple location input for testing cities

Note: I ended up with three different methods for doing lat/lon conversion, just because I wanted to find the best one. They're all pretty accurate once you adjust for the latitude shift. Each would need adjustment if the map changed in size, but #3 is probably the most straightforward for maintenance. #2 is the most accurate and would scale the best if we ended up doing a world map. I also added a simple little ajax call to a geocoding service, so you can enter any location and see it drawn on the map. If you enable the debug mode you can see how accurate the map projection is.

July 5th, 2011 (6 hours)

  • setup git repo, moved Raphael and svg-import into submodules to keep them updated
  • moved all dropbox source files (.psd, .ai, .fla) to /source in repo
  • cleaned up original map PSD, fit map to 970px X 500px (USA is now a little larger on paper, slightly less curve to edges)
  • imported USA outline, warehouse and customer graphics into Illustrator and ran "simplify path" to cut down on SVG markup
  • moved graphic SVG definitions into /assets/js/pjj_map_assets.js... when copying SVG markup from illustrator, make sure you remove all line breaks
  • separated PJJ/GGB icon into transparent png, this is probably easier than dealing with SVG assets but doesn't scale
  • added PJJ logo header and changed template width to match 970px. the thin grey border is just for reference
  • added DEBUG flag for testing against a real map. if you visit the background becomes the reference map. you can see the outline of the illustrated map doesn't match exactly. it wouldn't be difficult to redo it for accuracy
  • wrote pathTest method in /assets/js/pjj_map.js which takes X/Y coordinates and draws a red dot, city label and shipping path from the origin (Mobridge, SD)
  • added midpoint calculation for a simple curve to the paths
  • added delayed animation for each testing path, interesting to see the performance drops painfully on IE when animating multiple items
  • added README and pushed repo to private GitHub

Note: The map is coming along pretty quickly, but this was mostly the easy stuff. I've got the skeleton functions ready for lat/long conversion, hopefully I can just work out a simple formula that gives accurate results. From there it's gonna be animating monsters and lots of work on the path drawing.


PJ Order Status Map


Language:JavaScript 100.0%