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Damaged .rar file

felipep4p opened this issue · comments


  • Keka version: [e.g. 1.1.24 (3421)]
  • macOS version: [e.g. 10.14.6 (18G2022)]

Describe the bug: Damaged my .rar file

Yesterday, I wanted to unzip an extremely important file, and seeing that the official macOS unzip didn't work, I decided to install When I downloaded it automatically my files changed and as a result I could no longer open them, I got a verification error. I decided to test those same files on a windows device and the same files that changed did not work on windows either.
I need a quick answer as to what I can do, I did not install this program to have damage to my files. Any help is greatly appreciated.


Captura de pantalla 2024-02-08 a la(s) 23 31 05 Captura de pantalla 2024-02-08 a la(s) 23 31 05

if you have any solution, please send me that information at


Hola Felipe. Keka does not modify at all the files it opens. Where did you downloaded Keka from?

Please click in the warning⚠️ icon when you see the error message to get a more extended error information, then paste that here. Feels to me that this “RAR” file is not a valid RAR since it’s not being extracted with unRar but unar. Let’s see that extender error info.

Hi, thank you for answering me.

this is the error message:

OS: Versión 14.1.2 (Compilación 23B92) (arm64)
Keka: v1.3.7-r5302 (WEB) (Sandboxed) (es)
Format detected: Unknown
Binary used: keka7zz
Arguments: (

7-Zip (z) 23.01 (arm64) : Copyright (c) 1999-2023 Igor Pavlov : 2023-06-20 : Modified by aone for Keka
64-bit arm_v:8 locale=en_US.UTF-8 Threads:8 OPEN_MAX:2560, ASM

Scanning the drive for archives:
0M Scan /Users/felipealvarez/Desktop/Felipe/VlC/
1 file, 825229312 bytes (787 MiB)

Extracting archive: /Users/felipealvarez/Desktop/Felipe/VlC/D.rar
1% Open
Can't open as archive: 1
Files: 0
Size: 0
Compressed: 0

ERROR: /Users/felipealvarez/Desktop/Felipe/VlC/D.rar
Cannot open the file as archive

OS: Versión 14.1.2 (Compilación 23B92) (arm64)
Keka: v1.3.7-r5302 (WEB) (Sandboxed) (es)
Format detected: Unknown
Binary used: kekaunar
Arguments: (
Couldn't recognize the archive format.

Error code 1

I hope you can help me.

It seems to not be a RAR file.

  • Keka only reads from the file
  • Keka does not write to the file
  • So Keka cannot damage the file

Like @gingerbeardman said. If you downloaded those files, try to download them again.

So, I don't understand what's going on, because I made that file with pretty important things.
the history of this file was:

I created that file in windows with winrar program, I put the file in flash memory and I save it. Then (1 year later) I wanted to open that file (on Macos) and I couldn't open with the official macOS unzip, so I decided to search in YouTube and I found I download it, and when that happen the file changed their icon for files, and when I opened, Keka told me it can't open the file. At that moment I thought: "it just a bug, I'll try on my windows device. So I did that, and I couldn't open it either.

that was the whole story.

Now, as you said, maybe wasn't at fault, but I really want to know how I could open that file. Please, do you help me with that?


Maybe you failed to copy it properly to the flash memory (cache issues). You could try the repair option using WinRAR on Windows.