aokad / otomo

On-premises GCAT Workflow Job Manager

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Build Status Github Workflow Python


1. Dependency

  • awscli
  • boto3
  • sqlite3
  • requests
  • qacct (Sun Grid Engine)
  • parallel (Linux command)

2. Install

git clone
cd otomo
python build install

Set aws account (If you want to upload output files to aws S3)

aws configure

3. QuickStart

1) setup

Create SQLiteDB

$ otomo setup --wdir ${gcat_workflow_work_dir}

vi config file (option)

$ vi ~/.otomo.cfg

slack_url = 
channel = 
label = 

endpoint_url = 
profile = 

Add samples

$ otomo regsample --samples ${samples.json}
$ cat ${samples.json}
    "ERP001942_ERR205022" :
        "study": "ERP001942",
        "runid": "ERR205022",
            "expression/ERP001942_ERR205022/ERP001942_ERR205022.txt.fpkm":                 s3://BUCKET/sra/expression/ERP001942_ERR205022/ERP001942_ERR205022.txt.fpkm,
            "expression/ERP001942_ERR205022/ERP001942_ERR205022.txt.gz":                   s3://BUCKET/sra/expression/ERP001942_ERR205022/ERP001942_ERR205022.txt.gz,
            "expression/ERP001942_ERR205022/ERP001942_ERR205022.txt.summary":              s3://BUCKET/sra/expression/ERP001942_ERR205022/ERP001942_ERR205022.txt.summary,

2) Running Job

Set Sample Status

$ otomo analysis --sample ${sample} --status ${status} \
  --description ${description} \
  --error_message ${error_message} \
  --stop_reason ${stop_reason}
  • status ... init/run/success/failure/stop/finish/analysis_error/upload_error/remove_error


  • decsription
  • error_message
  • stop_reason

Set Job Status

$ qacct -j "*" -o USER -d 1 > ./qacct.txt
$ otomo regjob --qacct ./qacct.txt

Upload output files to object storage

$ otomo upload --max [1000]

3) Job Report

Add job info

$ qacct -j "*" -o OWNER -d 1 > ./qacct.txt
$ otomo regjob --qacct ./aqcct.txt

View report

$ otomo qreport ${option}


  • -f: failure only
  • -b begin_time: jobs started after
  • --max NUMBER: limited display jobs

4. License

See document LICENSE.


On-premises GCAT Workflow Job Manager

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%