Anita Shinde's starred repositories
Google Cloud Client Libraries for Go.
Cloud-based hotel software saves time spent on manual updates. The system provides the access :- 1.Add room details, easily updates, delete records & view all records. 2. Customer check in insert all record including room details. 3.Customer check out and calculate bill automatically. 4.Auto generate bill when customer checkout.
A system to provide tour packages to the travelers which has ASP.NET and C# backend and frontend of HTML,CSS and JavaScript
My first Git Repository
Config files for my GitHub profile.
The Retirement Home Web Portal was primarily created to streamline the operations of the home. At the heart of this system lies the recognition of each resident's intrinsic worth and the affirmation of their right to dignity in their twilight years. It is built using C# ASP.NET with HTML, CSS, JavaScript for frontend, with MySQL for storing data.
All PG level programs of Advanced Operating System w.r.t Unix/Linux system. Learn about structure of files and directories, system calls related to file subsystem, process control subsystem and concept of signal handling.
Practice codes for JAVA
It is an online management system whose primary goal is to streamline the blood donation and allowance procedures at the blood bank in user friendly manner. Designed using HTML, CSS, JavaScript with PHP at backend, stored and fetched data using PgSQL, with the help of Apache Xampp Server.