anujdutt9 / Javascript-Machine-Learning

Machine Learning using Javascript.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



1. A laptop/phone with a web browser.

2. Basic understanding of Javascript & HTML.

S.No. File Name Description Status
1. Loading TensorFlow.js library Contains code to load TensorFlow.js library from Online (using CDN) as well as Offline. Completed
2. Defining Tensors Contains code to show how to define Tensors in Javascript using TF.js. Completed
3. Variables & Operations Contains code to show how to define a TF Variable, getting values from Tensors and doing some basic Operations. Completed
4. Memory Management Contains code to show how to do memory management to avoid memory leaks and have a low memory footprint. Completed
5. Linear Regression Contains code to show how to do Linear Regression with interactive visualizations of best-fit line. Completed
6. Iris Plant Classification Contains code to write a simple DNN for Iris Plant Classification problem. Completed
7. Image Classification Contains code for image classification in the Browser using pre-trained MobileNet model. Completed
8. WebCam Image Classification Contains code for image classification in the Browser on live video stream usign WebCam and pre-trained MobileNet model. Completed
9. Movie Reviews Sentiment Analysis Contains code for reviews sentiment analysis and classification into positive and negative reviews using custom trained model. Ongoing
10. Text Sentiment Analysis Contains code for nearby restaurant reviews sentiment analysis for a particular dish. Completed
11. Face Emotion Detection Contains code for detecting emotion of a face. Ongoing
12. Audio Sentiment Analysis Contains code for detecting sentiment of speech in an audio. Ongoing
13. Audio Sentiment Analysis using Transfer Learning Contains code for performing transfer learning to improve the predictions of the existing model for detecting sentiment of speech in an audio. Ongoing
14. Training a Speech Emotion Detection Model Contains code to train a custom Speech Emotion Detection model using TF.js. Ongoing
15. Wisconsin-Cancer-Classification Training a Neural Network in the browser for Wisconsin Cancer Diagnosis dataset classification. Completed
16. Fashion MNIST Classification Training a Convolutional Neural Network in the browser for classiying Fashion MNIST Images. Completed
17. TFJS Model Conversion Sample worflow showing model training in TF/Keras and saved model conversion to TF.js model. Completed
18. Loading Saved Model Loading saved model from URL/directory in TFjs. Completed
19. MNIST Classification MNIST Model training and classification using TFjs. Completed
20. MobileNet Image Classification Image Classification using MobileNet pre-trained model. Completed
21. Text Toxicity Prediction Text Toxicity Prediction using pre-trained model. Completed
22. Transfer Learning in the Browser Training a Rock, Paper, Scissors, Spock, Lizard classification model using Transfer Learning in the browser. Completed


Machine Learning using Javascript.


Language:JavaScript 79.7%Language:Jupyter Notebook 19.3%Language:HTML 1.1%Language:Python 0.0%Language:CSS 0.0%