anujdutt9 / Decentralized-Applications

Decentralized Applications using Solidity on Etherium Blockchain.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Decentralized Applications (DAPPS)

This repository contains the code for my exploration of Decentralized Applications using Solidity on Etherium Blockchain.


1. Metamask Chrome Extension

2. Basic Knowledge of Javascript or Solidity


1. All Solidity Contract code is run using "Remix" Editor here:

2. 12 Word Etherium Mnemonic Code Converter

3. Faucet to get Ether for Testing Purposes

Code List

S.No. Project/File Name Aim Status
1. Counter Simple Solidity Contract for Counter running on Remix IDE. Completed
2. First Contract Simple Solidity Contract to set a Message Variable and getting it's value using Remix IDE. Completed
3. Redeploying Contract Solidity contract to make changes and re-deploy contract in a pre-deployed project. Completed
4. Project-1: Simple Auction Simple auction app to bid using Etherium coins. Completed
5. Project-2: Custom Node Design Deploying Custom Contract Node in Blockchain using Solidity and Javascript. Completed
6. Project-3: DAPP-Game Rock Paper Scissors Game using Solidity Smart Contract on test blockchain network. Ongoing
7. Project-4: Blockchain-Swift Simple blockchain implementation in Swift for MacOS. Completed.
8. Project-5: Blockchain-Web-API Blockchain application with access to Web API using Vapor framework. Completed


Decentralized Applications using Solidity on Etherium Blockchain.


Language:JavaScript 98.5%Language:Solidity 0.5%Language:Swift 0.5%Language:HTML 0.5%