antonybudianto / angular-starter

:star: Gulp Angular Starter using TypeScript (Updated to 4.4.3)

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Reduce the size of the build

jonben opened this issue · comments

The way you create a minified build is great but the assets are still more than 1 MB total for a project that's nearly empty, my project based on one of your previous starter kits is nearly 2 MB only for the 2 JS and CSS files as assets.

Do you have any idea what could be done to reduce the size of Angular 2 files?

You may want to look at new,
the bundle is fully-optimized there. For this starter, honestly, it's hard to do it without Webpack (I need the CommonsChunkPlugin for lazy loaded bundle)

Also make sure you enable gzip compression on the web server, it reduces a lot, demo, ~200K gzipped