antonlindstrom / puppet-confluence

Puppet module for Atlassian Confluence

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Puppet module for Atlassian Confluence.

Installs a basic Confluence standalone installation in /opt and starts it.

Note: Currently this module is not production ready.

Example usage

Include with default parameters:

include confluence

Set max, min and permgen memory sizes:

class { 'confluence':
  minimum_memory => '512m',
  maximum_memory => '512m',
  permgen_size   => '2048m',

Set JVM options for confluence:

class { 'confluence':
  jvm_options => '',

For testing, run rake test.


See LICENSE file.


Puppet module for Atlassian Confluence

License:MIT License


Language:Puppet 45.8%Language:Ruby 44.0%Language:Shell 10.3%