antoineallard / directed_graph

Submodule of the Portable Graph Library (PGL) that provides functions to compute and extract various structural properties of simple unweighted directed graphs without self-loops.

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Directed graph

The directed_graph_t class offers many methods to analyze the structure of simple unweighted directed graph without self-loops.

The class can be imported directly and is available under the namepace pgl.

// Importing the class
#include "src/directed_graph_t.hpp"

The currently available functionalities are

Note that further examples on how to use directed_graph_t are also provided in a notebook (see also related scripts in validation/) used to validate the class.

Importing a graph from an edgelist file

A graph can be imported from a file containing its edgelist (one edge per line). The edgelist file consists in a simple text file with the following convention

# lines beginning with "#" are ignored (comments).
# note that vertices' name must be separated by at least one white space.
# there may be white space at the beginning of a line.
[name of source vertex]  [name of target vertex]  [ignores the rest]
[name of source vertex]  [name of target vertex]  [ignores the rest]
[name of source vertex]  [name of target vertex]  [ignores the rest]
# comments can be inserted between edges
[name of source vertex]  [name of target vertex]  [ignores the rest]
[name of source vertex]  [name of target vertex]  [ignores the rest]

Note that the vertices' name will be imported as std::string and can therefore be virtually anything as long as they do not include white spaces (i.e., there is not need for the vertices to be identified by contiguous integers).

IMPORTANT: this class only considers simple directed graphs without self-loops. Any multiple edges or self-loops will be ignored.

// The graph is loaded at the initialization of the class
pgl::directed_graph_t g("<path-to-edgelist-file>");

Loading vertices properties

Vertex properties can be loaded from a text file in order to be used by the code (one vertex per line). These text file must follow the following convention

# lines beginning with "#" are ignored (comments).
# note that vertices' name must be separated by at least one white space.
# there may be white space at the beginning of a line.
[name_of_vertex_1]  [value_for_property1]  [value_for_property2] [value_for_property3]
[name_of_vertex_2]  [value_for_property1]  [value_for_property2] [value_for_property3]
[name_of_vertex_3]  [value_for_property1]  [value_for_property2] [value_for_property3]
# comments can be inserted between edges
[name_of_vertex_4]  [value_for_property1]  [value_for_property2] [value_for_property3]
[name_of_vertex_5]  [value_for_property1]  [value_for_property2] [value_for_property3]
// Loads a vertex property.
g.load_vertices_properties("<path-to-file>",   // name of the property file to read
                           <column_number>,    // column in the file which corresponds to the property to read (column 0 correspsonds to the names)
                           "<internal_name>",  // internal name of the property (used to access the property via v_prop["<internal_name>"])
                           "<output_name>",    // default header name to use when using save_vertices_properties() (uses "<internal_name>" if not provided)
                           <bool>)             // indicate whether a vertex found in the property file that is not already in the graph should be
                                               // added as a vertex with degree 0 (default: true).

Number of vertices and edges

// The number of vertices/edges in the graph are accessible via
int nb_vertices = g.g_prop["nb_vertices"];
int nb_edges = g.g_prop["nb_edges"];
// The density of the graph is accessible via
double density = g.g_prop["density"]

In-degrees and out-degrees

// Computes the in-/out-degree of vertices.

// This function activates the two vertex property (v_prop) keywords
//   "in-degree" and "out-degree", which give access to std::vector<double>
//  objects.
std::vector<double>& Vertex2InDegree = g.v_prop["in-degree"];
std::vector<double>& Vertex2OutDegree = g.v_prop["out-degree"];
// It also activates the graph property (g_prop) keywords containing the number
//   of vertices with degree equal to 0 and degree equal to 1.
int nb_vertices_deg_0 = g_prop["nb_vertices_undir_deg_0"]
int nb_vertices_deg_1 = g_prop["nb_vertices_undir_deg_1"]

// The joint in-/out-degree distribution can be written into a text file via
std::string p[] = {"in-degree", "out-degree"};
std::vector<std::string> props(p, p+2);
g.save_vertices_properties("<output_filename>",                // name of the file to write into
                           props,                              // std::vector<string> with the keywords of the vertex properties
                           pgl::directed_graph_t::vID_name,    // indicates whether vertices should be identified or not (adds a column)
                                                               //   - directed_graph_t::vID_name (default): names in the original edgelist
                                                               //   - directed_graph_t::vID_num: contiguous integer ID
                                                               //   - directed_graph_t::vID_none: does not identify the vertices (no additional column)
                           15,                                 // column width (default_column_width = 15)
                           pgl::directed_graph_t::header_true  // indicates whether a header should be added to identify the columns
                                                               //   - header_true (default)
                                                               //   - header_false
                          );  // NOTE: The last three parameters can be omitted or provided in any order.


// Computes the number of reciprocal edges and the reciprocity coefficient
//   (the latter is returned by the function).  An edge is reciprocal if an
//   edge running in the opposite direction also exists. There is therefore an even
//   number of reciprocal edges. The reciprocity coefficient is defined as the
//   fraction of edges that are reciprocal (defined between 0 and 1).
double reciprocity_ratio = g.reciprocity();

// Calling this function activates the g_prop keywords "nb_reciprocal_edges"
//   and "reciprocity_ratio".
int nb_reciprocal_edges = g.g_prop["nb_reciprocal_edges"];
reciprocity_ratio = g.g_prop["reciprocity_ratio"];
double reciprocity_stat = g_prop["reciprocity_stat"];                           // Statistical definition of reciprocity that takes into account random reciprocity [Garlaschelli2004].
// As well as the vertex property (v_prop) keywords
std::vector<double>& Vertex2ReciprocalDegree = v_prop["reciprocal_degree"];     // Number of edges that are reciprocal (between 0 and min(k_in, k_out))
std::vector<double>& Vertex2ReciprocityJaccard = v_prop["reciprocity_jaccard"]; // Jaccard coefficient between the set of in-neighbors and out-neighbors.
std::vector<double>& Vertex2ReciprocityRatio = v_prop["reciprocity_ratio"];     // Local reciprocity ratio defined as the ratio of reciprocal edges a vertex has and the total number of edges it has (i.e. k_in + k_out).

[Garlaschelli2004] Garlaschelli, D., & Loffredo, M. I., Patterns of link reciprocity in directed networks, Physical Review Letters, 93, 268701 (2004)

Average vertex property

// The average of any vertex property can be computed by calling
//   compute_average_vertex_prop("<vertex_prop>") which activates the graph
//   property (g_prop) keyword "avg_<vertex_prop>".
double avg_in_degree = g.g_prop["avg_in-degree"]

double avg_out_degree = g.g_prop["avg_out-degree"]

List of triangles

// Surveys the graph and builds a list of every triangles. In directed graphs,
//   triangles are any group of 3 vertices connected by 3 edges independently
//   of their direction.

// Doing so activates the graph property keyword "nb_triangles"
int nb_triangles = g.g_prop["nb_triangles"];

// The list of triangles is a std::vector< std::vector<int> > with dimensions
//   nb_triangles x 3. It can be accessed via
std::vector< std::vector<int> >& list_of_triangles = g.triangles;
// Creating this list can be skipped by calling instead

// Calling survey_triangles() also computes various properties related to the
//   clustering of the undirected version of the graph. The graph properties are
int total_nb_triplets = g_prop["total_nb_triplets"];      // Number of triplets (three vertices connected by two edges)
double undir_global_clust = g_prop["undir_global_clust"]  // Global clustering coefficient
// as well as the vertex property (v_prop) keyword
std::vector<double>& Vertex2UndirLocalClust = v_prop["undir_local_clust"];
// Calculating these values can be skipped by setting the second argument out
//   survey_triangles() to false.
g.survey_triangles(<true/false>, false);

Spectrum of unique triangle configurations

// The number of each 7 unique triangle configurations is extracted via

// The histogram can be accessed via
std::map<std::string, int>& triangle_spect = g.triangle_spect;

// The 7 unique triangle configurations are
// "3cycle":   A  -> B  -> C  -> A
// "3nocycle": A  -> B  -> C <-  A
// "4cycle":   A <-> B  -> C  -> A
// "4outward": A <-> B  -> C <-  A
// "4inward":  A <-> B <-  C  -> A
// "5cycle":   A <-> B <-> C  -> A
// "6cycle":   A <-> B <-> C <-> A
// The 20 remaining possible triangles are automorphisms of these 7 configurations.


Submodule of the Portable Graph Library (PGL) that provides functions to compute and extract various structural properties of simple unweighted directed graphs without self-loops.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:C++ 80.2%Language:Python 10.1%Language:Jupyter Notebook 9.7%