antler119 / system_tray

A Flutter package that makes it easy to customize and work with your Flutter desktop app's system tray.

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Is there any way to force the app window to come to the foreground when shown?

Kevin-McKee opened this issue · comments

When showing/popping up a message, is there any way to force it to come to the foreground? Sometimes it does, but other times I just get a blinking icon on the taskbar which I have to click on in order to bring the window to the foreground

For bitsdojo_window: You can use the package bitsdojo_window, then navigate to project>macos>Runner>MainFlutterWindow.swift and add the line "self.level = .floating" in the "override func bitsdojo_window_configure()" function body inside of the MainFlutterWindow class.
Any OS:
For window_manager: window_manager contains the built-in feature to set the window to always show on top.